Read Count : 118
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I've let go, many times over.
I gave up too, many times over,
So now, I agree that I'm a loser.
The always nothing but the loser,
It's always game over,
Then right back to the main menu.
Nah, I won't go to the venue,
I'll stick to this view.
I'm afraid of meeting anyone new,
And now, even talking I don't want to do.
I sit on the lip of the pit that's been here my whole life through,
Will the next one I fall for be the push that sends me in?
I'm worthless, that's it.
You all win, so I'll say it,
I'll be dead, probably sooner than you all may think.
I've shattered and have been shattered,
But mostly, those things I thought mattered,
Ended up being cluttered
Like I'm a huge hoarder.