Rip DJG. Read Count : 227

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
    The unsaid words now  I cant say , what was I thinking what ? Repeatedly  in my head your voice plays ? 
So many thoughts and memories we shared ,at times you felt as I didn't even care . All the times I wanted to be there .... 

If only I had one more chance to express or listen as you got shit off your chest , 
or be half the friend  that you were to me , 
Id tell you I love you and that you meant the world to me , and that  I took you  for granted ,  I'm so sorry for that , your loyalty spoiled me ,
 I was a brat , 
though My love for you much more than that, The nights I left when you fell asleep , first you'd hold me closely id pray that you get some sleep , your love alone put my stress at ease ,  I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me most , I now fall to my knees , at times it felt like you chose her before me , I was wrong for thinking like that , so selfish and distant ,enviously I sat  ,  when I couldn't see you heart broken and mad, I wanted the love you had shown and given me or to hold you close , I've always loved you ,  I just hope you know ,I didn't  believe that you OD-ed ,  I  lost control ,I couldn't breath ,my children standing right before me ,Im  sorry baby I wasn't there to help  when you needed me most, when you said you were depressed and I flexed, so stressed ;these thoughts cause me to choke ,  
If only I was around to hold you close a month ago , when you asked me to visit but  didn't show, so mad at myself , self hate grows , My emotions uncontrolled,   Why is that what  I chose? So many questions , now blood from my nose My love for you nobody even knows .. 
 Did God need you? So many he could have chose ,  selfish I am anger ,  I could  explode,... Yet   I feel in my heart  that you are so close ,did he choose you to be my guardian my angel when I need you  most ,  My love for you will forever grow so  RIP MY BABY , until we meet  again, my friend ,  please don't forget me and I hope you forgive me; I confess a few things  id get off my chest ,
The wrong I've done to you I'm sorry I hope you love me no less , and 4 a friend like you I was more than blessed ,  
I didn't deserve you because you deserve the best ,but thankful to God for the day that we met . So much more that I should have said. Considered a test, A life lesson; its not chess . Take the opportunity ; chance , say what you, mean and mean what you 
 say . There is no greater hurt , than the feelings you didn't say ,
 And Love you didn't for this day
    The unsaid words now  I cant say , what was I thinking what ? Repeatedly  in my head your voice plays ? 
So many thoughts and memories we shared ,at times you felt as I didn't even care . All the times I wanted to be there .... 

If only I had one more chance to express or listen as you got shit off your chest , 
or be half the friend that you were to me , 
Id tell you I love you and that you meant the world to me , and that  I took you  for granted , and I'm sorry for that , your loyalty spoiled me ,
 I was a brat , 
though My love for you much more than that , The nights I left when you fell asleep , you'd hold me closely id pray that you get some sleep , your love alone put my stress at ease ,  I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me most , I now fall to my knees , I just felt you chose her before me , I was wrong for that , so selfish and distant ,enviously I sat  ,  when I couldn't see you heart broken and mad, I wanted the love you had shown and given or to hold you close , I've always loved you  I just hope you know , And  hearing that you overdosed I almost lost control , Im  sorry I wasn't there to help  when you needed me most, when you said you were depressed and I flexed, stressed these thoughts cause me to choke ,  
If only I was around to hold you close a month ago , when you asked me to visit but  didn't show, so mad at myself , self hate grows  My emotions uncontrolled,   why is that what  I chose? So many questions , now blood from my nose My love for you nobody even knows .. 
 Did God need you? So many he could have chose ,  selfish I am anger I could  explode,but  I feel in my heart  that you are so close ,did he choose you to be my guardian my angel when I need you the most ,  My love for you will forever grow so  RIP MY BABY , until we meet  again, my friend ,  please don't forget me and I hope you forgive me; I confess Just a few things I thought id get off my chest ,
The wrong I've done to you I'm sorry I hope you love me no less , and 4 a friend like you I was more than blessed ,  
I didn't deserve you because you deserve the best but thankful to god for the day that we met . So much more that I should have said. Considered at test, A life lesson; its not chess . Take the opportunity  chance , say what you mean and mean what you 
 say . Never regret what was unsaid , ,

 MY BEST . In loving memory of **DJG , 2/5/90-3/8/17 .  I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU


  • Erica D

    Erica D

    so moving

    Apr 05, 2017

  • Apr 05, 2017

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