This Is What Makes Trump What He Is ... Read Count : 241

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Syria again has unleashed a chemical weapons attack on its own people. A tragic and inhumane act. Assad is without doubt a war criminal in the same class as Hitler.

Here is Trump's response: "these heinous actions by the Badhar al-Assad regime are a consequence of the past administration's weakness".

When Assad used these weapons the first time, against the warning of "a red line" by Obama, the Predident asked Congress to authorize miltary action against Syria. They refused to do this. Then the Russians stepped into the fray and said they would guarantee that Assad's chemical arsenal would be eradicated if the U. S. Would step down and not attack Syria. A lot of these chemical weapons were destroyed but obviously not all. Assad cheated and Russia was either incompetent or a co-conspiritor. 

Rather than focus blame on the true culprits, Trump again attacks the Obama administration. As he does this, he continues to carry water for his Russian buddies and more importantly, provides no viable response or action to this crisis.

Trump once again shows the nation and the world that he is as bankrupt as his casinos when it comes to ideas and leadership. 

With North Korea looming ahead, the massive mistake that is Donald Trump should give pause to every thinking American. Who knows, if Congress would move forward with any sense of urgency, demand to see his tax returns and start calling witnesses, maybe the Trump mistake will solve itself before he does irreparable damage to our country. 

God save America. Sad!


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