Home Work Read Count : 59

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Childrens
I hated school ,since first grade kindagarden  was alright.When I had my  phone dad  called I answered it .Dad said moms having the baby.The teacher took my phone out my hand and told me no phones can be answered in the class room. I hated all the teachers in Brooklyn​ jovanall. But this new kid jack came tomy class room.He was the smart one I class.I asked him for  help for me to  do better in math he said yes. he tought me good. We became good friends. He walked me home every day. He made me became as smart as him at math.Hi told me a  secret . { I SAW BIN IN MY OLD SCHOOL PICK HIS NOSE AND SHACK PEOPLES HAND }.The next day   lunch was nasty and jack  shared his lunch from home with me. I was really was thankful that day. I thought he was a pritty nice guy .My mean teacher gave us lots of home work but it wasn't math that time. It was 6 grade work and I was stuck on it I might get helled back . This test means allot to are report cards. I didn't know what to do that  day. Jack cant hep me it's a test.I know I can us the internet to do this. [ : I was Happy hat day. When i handded it in the next day my teacher  looked at my test thin me. I went to my seat. we read a book when my teacher graded are work.I gotta 100%, jack 100%,linda 98% others bad and some good grades.


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