Honorable Mentioned Read Count : 119

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Journeys in life takes down amazing roads, upon your travels you meet interesting people,most live total opposite lives. The characteristics, shared on common grounds help develop distinct characteristics each individual has, yet distinct and tasteful they are the honorable mentioned.
 Every live sporting event shares the same uniqueness one winner and a loser. Events that share the topic, Honorable mentioned almost there, doesn't count. Life's greatest champions, were rivals year's past. In which competitive coaching and staffing created, for a outcome of being victorious.
To be honored and mentioned or runner up sounds undelightful. People in general work, practice, and study to be the best at their endeavors.

Relationship's among the up and down, rollacoaster ride. The degree of changes in the altitudes of mental mind games, the different directional pathways and let downs. Leaves a question unanswered. What roll does relationship's, play in this category. The subject, broad in scope,yet vaguely discussed. Life's honorable mentioned.


  • great story

    Aug 19, 2017

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