The Ninth Month Of The Year Read Count : 164

Category : Articles

Sub Category : spirituality
September is my birthday month.  Autumn begins in September and with it comes gradual decreasing temperatures.  Despite the arrival of cooler weather, this month, which actually encompasses summer and fall, has always been my favorite of the twelve.  

According to, the season between summer and winter used to be known as harvest, a German word meaning "picking," "plucking," or "reaping.”  In order to avoid confusion with the word that also refers to the actual gathering of crops, this time of year began to be called autumn, from the Latin word autumnus. 

In the 1500’s, European English speaking persons began referring to the season separating the warm and cold months as the fall of the leaf, eventually shortening it to fall.  British American colonists brought both autumn and fall with them to the New World, where today, we use both words to describe the season before winter.  When I was growing up, school started just after Labor Day, followed by my birthday, and then the beginning of fall. 

September, the first month in fall, has three birth flowers: the forget-me-not, the morning glory, and the aster, all three of which have symbolic love meanings.  St. Paul told the Corinthians that love hopes all things, endures all things, and never fails, but endures all things.  And he said that out of faith, hope, and love, the greatest of these is love.  I’ve experienced much love in my lifetime, and for this, I am truly and forever grateful. 

My birthstone is the sapphire, which comes in a variety of colors, most notably blue.  There is, however, a rare padparadscha sapphire that possesses a unique mix of pink and orange that we sometimes see in sunsets. It’s name means lotus flower, an aquatic beauty that grows in muddy waters and rises above the surface to bloom.  The flower is also said to bring about longevity and good health and is considered a symbol of purity of the mind and heart.  I read recently about a study in the Journal of Aging and Research which indicated that individuals born in September–November have a higher likelihood of becoming centenarians.   If I live that long, I hope I’m still singing and rejoicing in my existence.

September holds several fun, notable days, including: National Cheese Pizza Day, National Teddy Bear Day, and National Play-Doh Day.  Nowadays, I especially enjoy Grandparents Day. My favorite bear is my Grizzly (you know who you are) and someday, I intend to give each of my grandkids a bear from my collection. 

In September 1862, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which ended slavery in the territories held by the Southern Confederate States.  Unfortunately, in September 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, starting World War II in Europe.  Sadly, of course, all who read this will forever remember the events of September 2001. 

One September, more than half a century ago, I made my entrance into the world.  I cannot remember that day, of course, but I’m sure my parents welcomed me with much love and excitement.  I imagine they could have celebrated by singing this old song I came across called “September Song” (yep, that’s the title), written by Maxwell Anderson and recorded by Frank Sinatra, that includes these lyrics…

...the days grow short
when you reach September
when the Autumn weather turns the leaves to flame...
Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few
September, November
And these few precious days
I'll spend with you
these precious days
I'll spend with you

As I turn another year older this month of September, I am moved by the thought that this new year will be followed by comparatively few others.  With this thought in mind, I feel myself spurred on not to lose a single fleeting moment in order to show gratitude to God, who has blessed me abundantly with days and hours of life.  I intend to joyfully spend all of the precious days he has planned for me throughout each winter, summer, spring, and fall.


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