The Reluctant Villain Pt 1 Read Count : 137

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Fair warning for everyone, this series (if I continue with it) will have swearing and more adult themes. Nothing that warrant the category of Adults...(this is NOT that) just, more mature.

The alarm screamed, blocking everything else out.
"SHUT UP!" Bryan rised the EMP and thrown it in the other side of the banker's desk. It exploded with a satisfying electrical "bzzzzt" as all the electronics died.
"No, please just leave us alone." Bryan was quickly getting more and more angry. First, he had to deal with the guards, the banker, then the alarm and now all the other people in the bank are carrying on like it's the end of the world. All he wanted was the money. If they would have just gave him the money, he would be on his way and everyone could get on with their lives. 
"STOP RIGHT THERE, DROP THE WEAPON!" A security guard about ten feet away had a gun pointed right at Bryan.
"Ahh, I don't suppose you would be willing to get these people to quiet down would you?" Bryan pointed with a gun to all the people sitting or laying down on the ground, few of wich are crying or rocking back and forth with their hands over their ears.
Bryan let out a sigh. "I thought not. I'm sorry but you have to pass out now." He said as he walked towards the guard.
BANG! BANG! BANG! The guard screamed as he unloaded the entire clip. Bryan fell to the ground, covered in blood.
"We're safe?" One of the hostages asked. The guard put his gun away and walked up to the body.
"Shit, how am I going to explain this?" The guards face contorted at the site of the man he killed.
"From the hospital, where I'm sending you." The body that the guard stood in front of jumped, kicking the feet out from underneath him and landing on the guard. Bryan took the guards gun and pointed it at his face.
" I know what you're thinking, 'How the hell is this guy still alive?' well let me answer that with another question. How do you think a man just walked into a bank with nothing but an EMP grenade, beat the shit out of three other guards and took their guns before starting a robbery? Answer, I heal. Conclusion, you're an idiot."
"A fucking Evo?" The guard grunted through his teeth.
"A fucking Evo." Bryan slammed the gun hard against the guards head and he stopped moving.
"Well, now that that's out of the way," he started as he got back to his feet. "Can I get that money now? I don't need a lot, just everything you have."

Just an idea I had.


  • that is cool and mysterious

    Aug 16, 2017


    Aug 16, 2017

  • Tiffy Writer

    Tiffy Writer

    What exactly is a Evo?

    Aug 17, 2017

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