Ouija- A Game,A Mystery, A Remorse
Read Count : 198
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
" The Paranormal world is something that mere mortals cannot hope to understand or comprehend, there are forces that we cannot hope to control and no possible advances in science can ever accurately prove of it's existence " - Edward Warren "Oh you gotta be kidding me bro" I said as I looked at my friends staring intently at the spirit board or Ouija board with their fingers on the heart shaped thingy , not just them many people in my class were mad behind this 'talking board' . They all gazed at me angryly. John said "shut up Akshay, piss off!!" "don't interrupt the seance" " Okay okay good luck finding a ghost, nerds!!! boooooooo !!!!! "I said satriacally and went home . Although I was a full blown skeptic of the paranormal. ouija boards ain't real at all I thought in my mind OR SO I THOUGHT UNTIL………….. It was a pleasent summer evening as I lazed around on my sofa with my sister Amy playing with bolt , I had a small YouTube channel and the hip and happening topic at that time was unbelievably...... Ouija !!! I googled Ouija just out of curiosity and in my mind I believed that Ouija was just a marketing stunt made my people on YouTube to get views and likes so I too decided to do so. I had in my gang my trusted bud bolt ( my dog) and my sister Amy , Amy immediately agreed to this plan . I then made a make shift board from paper even though it wasn't the best it would do the job , for the planchette I used a clear shot glass which smoothly glided over the paper . also as luck would have it my parents were out for work ,so my plan was set into motion. I clearly told that I would me moving the planchette or the heart shaped thing or something and that the name would be Damien and his age would be 23 or so all made up I clearly told her to act surprised and go in the flow and instructed my bud bolt to woof-woof!! At every answer (as dogs are thought to have a sharp paranormal sense ). I then made the set of questions (and answers as well). And took out my camera and just like YouTube I turned off all lamps and lit 4 candels and decided to make a pentagram ( for more fear effect of course!!!!) And had a bit of salt and sage just for making it look more realistic I then started the seance and asked in a loud crisp voice "Is there anyone there right now ? Spirits , this is a safe place please come talk to us " ( I saw it in the website 'museum of talking boards' ) . The planchette started moving immediately, I signaled Amy not so fast (as it would then look fake ). But yet again the planchette moved ! but very slowly , I hit Amy on the leg lightly and told her wait to which she said whispered " bro stop joking man it gotta be you ain't that right bro." I nodded my head slightly (off camera of course) saying no. I still was convinced that it had to be Amy and . So I decided to play along first on asking the spirit it's name to which it replied something gibberish like OZOZ which It constantly spelt out …… (god I never should have done the ouija seance and what followed was only ……….heart ache.) I thought in my mind " what the hell is Amy doing " but still I looked very surprised and scared in front of the camera ( I couldn't afford to be caught off guard , now could I . Still thinking it's all fake …..god what a mistake). I continued acting all scared and asked some more questions like what was his age to which he replied typically "666" (ooohhhhh I thought in my mind so that's how you wanna play it Amy no problemo we could do it your way). But as I looked at Amy so that I could gesture her well played she too looked at me like I was the one doing it . At this stage I was a little creeped out but still continued (for the sake of likes and views ) I asked what was my name to which it replied "yahska" I thought what the hell is this who is this chump I thought , my name ain't that neither is it my cousin's twice removed !!!!! . I turned to Amy and gestured like " what are you doing sister". But she nooded in disagreement off camera that it was her and thought it was me. By this time I was scared and thought have I actually contacted a entity? shut up Akshay!!! don't be a goof ball bro!!! man up !! I told myself and despite the negative vibes I went on I then asked it if it was a good or bad spirit to which it replied" dab " I thought" bam son me likey this spirit or gimmick" and I dabbed , this made Amy laugh so hard ,she almost hit the camera!!! I asked it then multiple questions and received crazy responses like "uoy llik I" , " yats annog mi " and while responding it make a butterfly like shape and tried to move the planchette off the board . Bolt also was acting strangely his tail was constantly up and stared in one direction only and didn't woof -woof !! .this further creeped me out . We asked a few more questions like where are you tho which it replied "lleh" again gibberish and we decide to end the session by taking the planchette to good bye to which it replied "kcab eb lli" I thought perhaps it meant bye and switched the lights on and patted my sister and said nice gimmic to which she looked surprised and said she thought it was me the whole time to which I assured her it wasn't me and told her to stop playing games but by the look of her face It looked like it wasn't her so if not then WHO WAS IT?……… I thought what a goofy spirit I had spoken to …………I WAS SO DAMN WRONG !!! The next day I went to class and spoke off all the incidents that occurred to my nerd friends( Just to brag about having spoken to a real spirit ) and to which John asked in a voice (that I will remember all my life) in mixture of fear and disbelief "DID YOU JUST SAY ZOZO" to which I ( a little shaken) replied no OZOZ, John in a scruffy voice told me that the entity OZOZ or zozo or pazuzu always spelled backwards!! He asked me if it spelled zozo or OZOZ 28 times and to which I exclaimed "Yes"!! , So the answers the entity gave you were yahska i.e AKSHAY, dab was BAD,uoy llik I was I KILL YOU, ( at this point my blood froze and I felt a chill down my spine and my hair's raised ) I said " John don't be delirious " " bro you gotta be kidding me " John in a scared voice told " Akshay I wish I was " "but bro I ain't " I asked John with tears almost in my eyes " BUT IT'S OVER RIGHT!! , ZOZO CANT DO CRAP NOW RIGHT," (THE FUNNY SPIRIT THAT HAD ASKED ME TO DAB or so I thought..........WAS THE MOST EVIL EVER ENCOUNTERD by man) to which John replied " Did you close the seance " I with a temporary sigh of relief said yes but John made another startling discovery he said "BUT , YATS ANNOG MI AND KCAB EB LLI MEAN…………… I'M GONNA STAY AND I'LL BE BACK.I for myself googled and also read people having similar experiences And also read what horror had followed after contacting zozo what tragedy befell them, I couldn't hear no more and I ran home after class and told mum everything and asked her not to tell Amy anything to which mum gave me a reply that will be eched in my heart and mind forever ……. She told me with shock and tear in her eyes " AKSHAY BUT AMY DIED 6 YEARS AGO……." It was like the world around me had frozen, but then how did I touch and sense her ? ,was it one of zozo's tricks on my mind ? WAS I ………JUST…….. IMAGINING HER ALL THESE YEARS …………OR……..DID SHE NEVER LEAVE ? I further received a shock of my life when I learned that bolt was addmitted to the hospital because of intense scratch marks on his back that looked like a broken 'Z' which mum thought I had done . Zozo was targeting my family!! I felt him feeding off my fears !!!! , it is a feeling I cannot explain !!!! I immediately tore the board in seven pieces sprinkled holy water on it and buried it but then I always feel That Zozo isn't DONE YET, IS HE ? , At home as well I saw Amy sitting on the sofa but, no one else did!! looking at her smiling at me and welcoming me home , tears rolled down my cheeks and she asked me how my day was , bolt also sensed her presence and wagging his tail cuddled with her and l and bolt till this date can see and hear Amy just like a regular person but SHE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT WE SENSE ……..…….. Ouija , after all isn't a game now , is it ? Guys maybe some things ought not to be meddled with or we will be inviting something from SOMEWHERE NOT GOOD and then there is NO TURNING BACK………. Authors note :- Zozo is an ancient evil demonic entity known for playing on your innermost, heart felt desires, so beware and be safe and PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK ! ( Guys I'm actually new to writing, so in case of any errors or spelling mistakes, I'm sorry and pls comment and rate my story to help me make my stories better and better 😀😀) Ouija- A game , A mystery, A remorse -BY Akshay