ANCHOR Read Count : 120

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
A Derek Morgan/Penelope Garcia Fic (criminal minds)

Derek had called and called but got nothing but her voicemail. He shouldn't have shut her out like that. He couldn't see past his own opinions enough to be there for her. She was his best friend, and he had failed her this time.

All she had wanted was for him to be there for her, to back her up. To have him say she wasn't crazy for wanting to visit a man who had tried to kill her and Reid in that hospital. She wanted him to be there as she walked through her feelings, her nightmares.

But he had told her it was a waste of time. That the man in prison was scum and didn't deserve her attention. He had left her standing there with obvious tears in her eyes. Some best friend he was. But she never gave up on trying to change his mind. She had called and called him, trying to get through to him. He never answered.

Derek couldn't listen to more than one of her heartbreaking voicemails. Garcia believed in him so much, thought he would come around. It didn't occur to him until after her spoke to Reid about it, that he realized he was wrong. Garcia was a good soul, an amazing person and that incident in Texas have her PTSD. She had shot that man to save Reid, and herself.

Reid had explained his similar situation from years ago and Derek realized how wrong and stupid he had been to deny her a shoulder to cry on. After that talk, he had called many times, only to get her voicemail. Now she was ignoring him. Instant Karma was a bitch. Even though he didn't understand fully or share her sympathy towards that UNSUB, he could have been there for her anyways. The way she had been there for him, through everything.

Derek got Kevin to pull up her flight info and she was due to arrive in the middle of the night. Then he would able to talk to her, to say how sorry and how wrong he had been. He would have a chance to make it right with her again.

Then Reid had gotten a phone call. The man tha was charged with his attempted murder, the man Garcia went to see, was dead. Death penalty. And he didn't need anyone to tell him that she had stayed to watch. That's when he drove to her place and would wait until she got home.

That's what he was doing now, waiting. On the stoop in front of her building trying to find the right words to say. The night was quiet around him, pitch black outside. A hot night but it still managed to give him the chills. He looked up from his hands to see her taxi pulling up. If her posture was anything to go by, she was in bad shape. Face wet with tears, those beautiful eyes red. Her shoulders hunched in on herself. She walked with her head down and he knew she didn't see him stand or walk over to her. Finally she looked up as he put his hands on her shoulders. Fresh tears fell and he brought her close, wrapping his arms around her.

Derek closed his eyes and tried to comfort her, "shh baby girl, it's alright. I got you."

Garcia held on tighter, crying into his shoulder, "I didn't think you would be here." She mumbled, trying to stop crying but her body wouldn't let her.

"I know and I'm so sorry Penelope. I was wrong and I should have been there for you."

Garcia pulled back to swipe under her eyes, "no, I was wrong and stupid. I know it's dumb to feel bad for him after what he did but I couldn't.."

Derek put a finger over her lips, "you couldn't not go. I know." He smiled sadly, "you are too good a person to ever be friends with someone like me."

"No Derek, I didn't say that."

"I'm saying that baby girl. You needed me and I let you down."

She smiled and put her hand on his handsome face, "you could never let me down brown sugar. It was too much to ask of you."

He tried to smile and believe what she said but fresh tears fell down her face, "come on mama, let's get you inside." Derek grabbed her bags and she linked their arms together and they walked inside. As they came to the door, he grabbed her keys and unlocked it for her.

Derek tried to step inside but Garcia stood in the door way, reaching for her bags.

"Thank you for being here Derek, but you don't have to stay."

He knew it was a front, she was trying to be strong and brave in front of him but he knew the moment she was alone, she would crumble, "you kicking me out baby girl?"

She smiled, "yes I am, you have better things to do I'm sure."

"No, I don't. I'm here for you Penelope."

The dam opened and tears flooded her eyes, when he actually says her name, it's important. Derek stepped up and folded himself around her. She gripped his shirt, probably smearing make up and snot all over him but he could care less.

"Come on now, I've told you before. Beautiful ladies aren't supposed to cry."

Garcia laughed  but it came out as a hiccup instead, "oh, you're just saying that."

His face sobered up, becoming serious, "look at me baby girl."

She moved back to look at him, drying her eyes and face.

Derek cupped her cheeks and swiped the tears away with his thumbs, "I don't just say that. Maybe to others but not to you. To me, you are the most beautiful woman in the world," he smiled and leaned forward, seeing her shimmering eyes go incredibly wide. The first brush of lips was soft and feather light. Her lips were full and they trembled against his own.

He had thought about kissing her for years but their relationship was complicated. She of course, was and always would be in love with him. And he loved her too but in a different way? He wasn't sure. Until now. With one kiss, he felt it. That spark.

Derek slipped his tongue out and rubbed it against her lips, asking for permission. He heard her soft moan and her mouth opened for him. Their tongues swirled together and her hands went from dangling at her sides, to holding his waist. Derek deepened the kiss and she gave another surprised moan that was swallowed by his kiss. It took a moment but her shock wore off and she was kissing him back.

Derek pulled back, a smile on his face and her reaction to it never got old, "you okay with this?"


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