Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Endings are not always as peaceful as sunsets
Beginnings are not as beautiful as sunrises
And journeys aren’t as painless as they are portrayed
And I always though that if I could’ve erased the past
Erased how we started
Everything you destroyed
Everything you’d tarnished
Would’ve been glued back together
That maybe they never would’ve broken
I thought that maybe if things could’ve been done differently
Everything wouldn’t have been left so fragile and breakable
That if things had been different
Then maybe things would be better
Because things could’ve been better than that right?
I could’ve had a better beginning
One without as much pain
Then my journey would’ve been less painful
And our ending wouldn’t be left with this unsettling silence
wouldn’t have ended with words unsaid
But if our beginning had been more beautiful
And our journey less painful
And our ending more peaceful
How would I have changed?
Ive thought about this a lot
How things being different could’ve changed me
For starters
Your morals
I don’t agree with them at all
If we’d stayed with each other during our journey
I could’ve come to side with your morals
And honestly, I despise that idea
Your lack of respect or general caring for others
I feel would’ve made me into a worse human being
My caring for others feelings is something I deeply care about
I try my hardest not to hurt others
And be there to fix things if I do
While you leave other to pick up the pieces from your mistakes
Your work ethic isn’t something I strive for
I want to work to achieve something
I want to help people in their lives
Not sleep at home all day
Staying with you could’ve changed that
You could’ve made me let go of my dreams just to make you happy
And letting go of my future plans just because it doesn’t suit you
Isn’t something I wanted to do
And I know for a fact
I don’t want to be the type of parent you are
I don’t want to lead in your example
Everything about me could’ve changed
Probably would’ve changed
The family, friends, and life I have would’ve been vastly different
Endings are not always as peaceful as sunsets
Beginnings are not as beautiful as sunrises
And journeys aren’t as painless as they are portrayed
But ours, it was perfect for us.
I like who I am now.
I like my life.
And continuing or changing our story
I would’ve compromised my self
And despite the pain of what went down between us
That isn’t something I’m willing to do.
Just for a chance at a different result