The Birth Of My 4th Read Count : 146

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
August 11 2017 - 9:11am


First I would like to thank God for his protection and guidance over my life.
I am great full for the experiences I endured in the last couple of years... because it made me more wiser and stronger.

Today marks the birth of my forth child, my youngest daughter... (which I predicted but will get into that later)
As I'm writing this, my wife is in hospital about to give birth anytime now.. she just texted me saying "I've dilated almost 5cms so half way there n she should b here"
It's a shame I can't be there to witness her birth (due to issues with me and my mother in law) hopefully one day God will give her a forgiving heart so I can be accepted back into the family. 


In 2016, I went through a phase of depression. Losing everything that I loved and valued.
Me and wife were considering a divorce and we both thought it was over.. but looking back at it now and comparing it to where I am now.. I can see the works and blessings from our Father in heaven and I just wanna thank Him for never leaving my side. Even tho it was a very dark time for me, I've learnt so much about the spiritual world and who I truly am as a person.
I became desperate for a change, so i started searching for a deeper meaning to life.. and I believe God has shown me a different way of portraying this world, the universe and who we are as spiritual beings. It has made me more closer to God, and He has helped me realize my purpose i serve in life.
(This is proof that our mighty God exist)
You see... when I started reading into the occult, (numerology and astrology) 
I started to view the world in a different light, I know many don't believe in the occult theories, but thats because many do not have an open mind to accept the unknown. I, myself was not a believer.. but now.. I am convinced that there is definitely a higher power out there, looking out for us.
I told my wife during our break up that numerology is saying that we would have another child and she will be born in August (the month of Leo).. and also told her it would be a girl, and that came true.. what's even more amazing I just recently predicted her day of birth, which is today.. now, you can't tell me that this is all a coincidence.
Knowing now what I went through in 2016, I know I had to go through it.. not only it being the worst year of my life but also the turning point of my life.. a time of self awareness.
So I just wanna Thank Jesus Christ again for his unconditional love for me, and will do my best to serve him, for he has answered my prayers, gifting me and my wife with this child so our marriage can be strengthened under his covenant.
Thank you Lord for these blessings. 

(As I just finished writing this, my wife texted saying our daughter has entered this world... 10.27am
... Truly amazing..)


  • Congratulations!

    Aug 17, 2017

  • Reniram Mariner

    Reniram Mariner

    im still learning to live by faith.. thank you 😇

    Aug 18, 2017

  • Congrats! Keep the faith. That's hard to hang on to.

    Aug 17, 2017

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