My New Power. Chapter 5
Read Count : 249
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
This symbol of power is Davids like hunters who has the earth symbol (can control nature) David has the lightning symbol (can control light and lightning). David! Are you okay answer. Ughhh wha, ugh my head. David oh thank god your okay. Well yeah so am I. Ughh I need to rest lie me down. Ok, ow owww. I set David down on a lamp post to rest. I know he risked his life and all but he was pretty beaten down, he was brused all over cut, scratched he was in bad shape. David what happened out there h,how did you do all that. Jack its. Its a long storie I'll explain everything later. But first I need you to take me somewhere. Sure where do you want me to go. Take me to the abandoned laboratory. Wheres that remember I'm new here. Right keep going straight and take a left its not that far from here... We traveled for what seemed like for ever because I had to carry David all the way there. We stopped in front of an old beat down looking building, I wondered why David wanted to go here. David went towards the door limping, he knocked but no one answered. He called through the door "Lizzie open up its me David" at first nothing but after about 5 seconds the door opened up revealing a girl about my age and davids, brown hair, red T•shirt and very strong looking. She came to David lifting him up a little with care. Who's he she said confused looking in my direction. He's with me Lizzie you can let him in he's one of us. Wait what one of you, what do you mean i have about a zillion questions right now. Later Jack I'll tell you everything once were in a safe area. Fine where we going to go. One of our emergancy rooms, David needs to rest. She led me and David to a lobby inside but when we entered I saw about a dozen more kids my age and older some a little younger. She took us to a little room similar looking to a doctors office and set David down on a small bed. Ok Jack what questions do you have. Well for starters what is this place, why are there so many people here. This is our head quarters where we train and learn about others with these special abilities. What about hunter and you how did you both do all that. Well thats a tricky one to explain, you see some people are born with these abilities not everyone but some are born with it and the kids born with it have certain "powers" different than others based on their fates. What do you mean by their fate, well certain people are destined to do a certain thing. Some not as grand as the other some have their lives on the line because of their destiny. The people with these powers are called runemasters runes are the symbols that appear when we summon them their ancient symbols that mean certain things our runes are different they symbolize power... So one last question why was hunter attacking me and why did he say he came for me. Well Hunter, hes on the dark side you can say theres a man named Dr. Blackman he has the darkness rune he plans on taking over the world by recruiting other runemasters and tricking them into wanting to take over the world with him. Why he sent such a powerfull runemaster I dont know you might have a powerfull rune in you we'll test you tommorow to see what rune you have ok. Ok wait did you say test? Dont worry it's not that bad im gonna get some rest Lizzie will put you in the guest room for now ok. Ok david well check on you tommorow bye. My New Power Chapter 6 coming soon Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and hope you Rate, Comment, and give me support it will really help and thank you and see you next time.