I Dont Know Read Count : 121

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I don't know what goes on through your head
Maybe its not you, maybe its me
Maybe its time i should set you free
Some days i feel like its too good to be true
Days pass and somethings changing you
I stay quiet because i dont know what to do 
If i say something will it start a fight?
But If i remain silent, itll keep me up at night...
Some days i feel like we're the happiest alive
Other days i feel like all we do is fight
I wish i could get inside your head
Your thoughts, your feels
I need to know if youre for real
I care for you
I need you
I love you
Please be upfront with me,
 Because im not ready to let you go
 And Im not ready to give up just yet..


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