The Struggle Read Count : 141

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
This life is far from easy
You can be happy as the shinning sun
Until the storm hits

The storm of loss
The storm of judgement
The storm of heartbreak
The storm of loneliness
And we can be sad and cry
That's okay because we are human

But the most amazing thing happens after the storm
The sun rises once again

That's the one thing you have to remember
You are the sun
And you will rise every time a storm comes

You find your why
Why do you get out of bed
Why do you continue to reach for the stars
Its because you know you are stronger than the storm

There's always going to be a storm
You have to look for the beauty in life beyond the storm
Be grateful for what you have

You are in control of your own happiness
Keep exploring
Keep experiencing
And most of all

Never give up

Behind every storm
There's you
The sun just waiting to smile
And make your day beautiful
Despite what happens that day
You will be okay
Because you are not alone
And you are still here

-Nadia Davisā¤


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