Midnight Man (PDT-01) Read Count : 202

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
              Recap :- It's been 14 years since the horror of zozo demon and now I Akshay have now become the prime member of the PDT (Paranormal Documentation Team )  it has been a rough couple of years but  bolt , me and Amy have braved it all and here we are today ! . Our sole motive is the help people with their 'ghost problem's ' and this is case 1 from our case files.( Ref:- ouija ,a game ,a mystery ,a remorse )

" Okay, Okay relax we'll talk calmly over coffee tomorrow  at 'death by cafe' at 6:00 " , I'll surely help you " I said to a flustered client who called me at 4:15 at the night and I thought no rest for the wicked ha ? And the next morning I got up at 5:00 am and worked out in the gym and by 6:00 am was ready for the meeting I dressed in a well pressed suit and set out to 'death by coffee' coffee shop to meet the client ( some coffee shop name , huh ?)
         The person I was to meet was a young lad in his teen's and on meeting him I could tell that something was seriously not right and he started of " pl……eas…..e  you  have to help me , he ……is  foll….. owing  me ...... please you will won't you ?" Henry said , the client, who looked like he has had no sleep from ages and was experiencing severe trauma I calmed him down and ordered a cappuccino for me and a coffee latte for him , the latte design was a pretty little house but looking at that Henry freaked out and threw the cup , it was as though he had seen a ghost I quickly apologized and paid for the damages and asked him was wrong to which he handed me a camcorder that was in tatters but still worked and told me  " s…..ee   thi…s  and you will know that I'm n…ot crazy , I w…ill meet y..ou tomorrow " he said and rushed off towards north in a crazy frenzy. By this time I could tell that something was definitely off , what had happened that had affected Henry to the extent that he had become so trumatized and scared of every day things , there was only one way to find out……….
      I went home and fed bolt his food  and connected the camcorder to a USB and to my laptop and I became the witness to what horror had befallen this family……. I hit the play button .. I could see Henry holding the camcorder focusing on Sarah (his sister) ……….
          " Urgggh c'mon guys its Halloween I'm bored and……… I wanna do something crazy what about doing the MIDNIGHT MAN RITUAL …… I saw it on Google and it is pretty sick and ……….. Sarah was saying and was abruptly cut off by Joe who said " Na brah hell,  nah dwag , no bro I ain't gonna do no ritual guys , you people is crazy and no love youself but I do bro Na count me out " to this Henry (the client) said "c'mon bro it's Halloween let's do something spooky now shall we ?  Said Henry in the dilapitated cabin in the woods " After much coaxing Joe finally reluctantly agreed and said " If my sorry ass   gonna  get possessed then I'm gonna come after y'all , y'all feel me ? " to this Henry and Sarah had a hearty laugh 
       Henry then googled the rules and said " here are the rules of the ritual :-
      " first write your full name on a piece of paper and prick your finger and add a few drops of your blood on it , hey Sarah what about writing Joe's ……. " Don't even say it boy ! " Joe said as he knew what Henry was gonna say next , Henry laughed and continued…..
    " Then take a candels and matches and place the paper on the door entrance an knock the door 22 times with the last knock falling exactly at 12 pm then blow off your candle and immediately relight it  and the game begins " ." In case the candle goes off relight it in 10 seconds or draw a circle of salt around you  or  else…………………… He will rip all your organs one by one or teleport you to an altogether different ' Nightmare dimension ' " Joe with a disgusted look said " No  Bro  No , youse are all dunces " to which Sarah said " C'mon joe don't be such a wuss "
      Sarah being the boldest said that " I'll do it u guys can be my ….. sidekicks and followed the procedure and switched off all lights and started , at this point the quality of the camcorder that Henry was filming with decreased dangerously , I kept viewing the tape 
   Most of the tap was just dark but at end I heard the scream of a woman , whom I think to be is  sarah and .............. an unholy laughter……., At this point I was clear that Henry was in deep trouble ………..
      The next day I met Henry and he had slightly sobered down I asked him what happened afterwards  in the tape and what I heard ……. Was absolutely ….unbelievable 
   Henry started by telling that at about 1:15 they felt a gust of cold air hit them and they could smell a pungent odour from within the house ( at this time in my mind I knew that  pungent odour and temperature drop indicates significant demonic activity ! ) Henry then continued that the feeling started worsening and the vibes were very negative and they could sense blasts of static charge besides them and within a fraction of a second they heard a scream that sounded like Sarah and the next moment she was on the floor …….uh………uh……….. "yes then" I asked to which Henry with tears in his eyes said  DEAD !, " My sister was dead ! He said and started crying unconsolably  " at that moment tears filled my eyes too , as I remembered my own sister Amy and  he said that he saw his sister in his nightmares , crying and asking for help and he also experienced some 'Anomalies' and was plagued  by something " unseeable I then enquired of joe to which another startling reply was given was by  Henry " JOE DIED  THE NEXT DAY WITH A HEART ATTACK ! " , ( At this point I realized that the entity was tearing them apart and killing them and I had to stop this launacy or IT WOULD BE TOO LATE TO SAVE HENRY ……….) "I asked him to take me to this cabin of his … …… …..
 After reaching this cabin I could fell the negativity over there,  I could feel the presence of something very evil , something very ………Demonic !!!!! Whatever this entity wanted wasn't good !!!!
   Inside the cabin I could actually visualize what must've happened and where I conducted an EVP session and recorded evp's that  shook  me  to my  very core , on asking who it was it said in a very high static tone  "yahska em dermemer" to which in my mind I thought with fear  (oh God  IT IS …… IT CANT BELIEVE IT!!!..…… AFTER ALL THESE YEARS ………….Z….O…Z…O !!) I gathered my courage and asked a few more questions like " where is Sarah ? Do you haunt Henry ? To which I got startling replies in backwards to which I questioned myself  IS THIS ZOZO ? OR
" haras evah I , reh teg emoc  " , " sey , mih llik I " and " yahska I desimorp ot eb kcab tndid I " which backwards ment " I have Sarah, come get her , yes I kill him and another deranged reply……………, " Akshay I promised to be back didn't I !!!!! " At this point I felt a chill in my spine 
       After reviewing those evp's  I felt a sense of strong hatred and anger in me and  I completely lost it  and I shouted at this " zozo posing entity " ( I was damn sure there is no way on Earth it is zozo , the midnight man entity was trying to creep me out to my core by playing on my fears ) " You're going down , you scum of hell !!!!!! , cause I'm gonna descend your sorry ass back to where you came from !!!!!! " I said in a angry voice as I remembered what zozo had done to me and bolt 14 years ago !!! , I knew in my mind that  The only way to  rid Henry of this entity and to free Sarah's soul is to  conduct an ……… EXORCISM!!!!!!, But I had to have eye contact with the spirit so we would  have to perform the ritual and summon this " entity" !! in the same cabin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ……….. as only then will Henry be free from this nightmare 
         I then had to ask Henry the toughest thing that I could ever ask a person going through this  , I asked him to DO THE RITUAL as that would act as a bait for the spirit to come to him , to which Henry almost crying told " N…O  PLE……AS .E  I  CANT , PLEASE , I  CANNOT UNDERGO THAT ORDEAL AGAIN PLEASE……. " To which I hugged him and assured him that nothing bad was going to happen ,  but the next what happened was nothing BUT BAD …………
   I removed some information about the cabin and I found out that the cabin's basement was the converging point of 5 ley lines !!!!!! , That means that place harbored some unbelievable  spiritual activity !!!!!!!! and to my greatest fear Exorcism in such place had a very high percentage of GOING TERRIBLY WRONG !!!!!!!!! ……. It was no longer just a ritual it was ……………. Demonic Oppression .
    I hid this fact from Henry as it would only scare him more , I placed Mel meters that detect EMF discharge with a baseline reading of  '00' in all the rooms ,  the cameras as well and prepped up my Bible and some holy water , Henry then in a scared voice asked me that shouldn't exorcisms be conducted only after receiving permission from Vatican ? to which  I  answered  that by the time the permission came  it would be too late…..……..
     Henry although scared , but to save his sister and himself  started the ritual and wrote his name on a piece of paper and pricked his finger and placed it out the cabin's door and knocked on it 22 times and THE RITUAL began…. I instructed Henry to go in every room in the cabin with the candle​ to see where the candle was going off and just in case should the candel go off  to immediately make a salt circle , as salt acts as a grounder and repels  negative energy . I was monitoring the cams from my car outside , as my presence in the home would make the spirit more cautious as I had just issued a challenge to the spirit !!!
        I received no Reading's till 1:15 , when I felt a cold wind hit me , coming from the cabin and could smell a pungent odour  from within the cabin ( the same experienced by Henry and others at the same time !!!!!! during that  Halloween  night !!!!)
    I then knew that , we…..were…….not……alone !!! I got out of car and was ready to run inside ……………..…….when , 
 In the basement Henry's candle went off !! and …   At that same instant the Mel meter in the basement went up to "13" , I heard Henry screaming and I immediately rushed  to the basement , only to find Henry on the floor , convulsing and writhing in pain and the voice that spoke next was NOT OF HENRY'S !!!!! , I heard a demonic laugh coming from him and he speaking in a different language "TE IPSUM NUPER " meaning in Latin " " You are very late " ,  and some demonic words that I couldn't make out , I had to start the exorcism then and there with the risk of losing Henry forever !!!! , I with a Bible in my hand and holy water  started the exorcism  by saying " IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER , THE SON , THE HOLY SPIRI……., but was abruptly cut off by an unseeable hand around my neck trying to choke me , I tried fighting it off , meanwhile  on  Henry's body an upside down cross began to appear !! and a pentagram made with blood appeared on his forehead !! and he started crying ……. BLOOD !
      I continued with the exorcism despite the unholy scratch marks that appeared on me and the choking , at that time I felt Amy coming to my  aid and resisting the demon from within me , I could see her fighting this unholy shadowy figure from within me  and I continued ………. Henry's behavior became even more violent , he started spasming on the floor and then began to float IN MID AIR !!! , THE POSSESSING SPIRIT  WAS BECOMING MORE AND MORE POWERFUL !!!!!!! HIS NECK DID AN INHUMAN 360 TURN !!!! and the time literally froze !!!!!! All things in the cabin began to levitate and crash down on the floor like the walls of Jericho !!!!!!!
    I reached the end of the prayer and said " By the power of our Lord Jesus I cast you out , LEAVE !!!" at this time the entity in Henry screamed and Henry became still , I rushed towards Henry , fearing that the exorcism may have gone wrong but heaved a sigh of relief as I saw he was okay and tried to make him stand up slowly the next instant , I with relief said " thank God your back " to which HENRY said " YEAH IM BACK HAHAHAH " The exorcism had FAILED !!!!  THE DEMON BENT HENRY'S BACK BACKWARDS SO THAT HIS HEAD CURLED IN WITH HIS LEGS !!!!!!!! In the next instant I saw Amy entering in him  and the entity crawled out of the Henry's mouth !!!!!!! And A BLACKISH SUBSTANCE WAS COMING FROM HIS MOUTH !!!!! , Henry then shouted NO !!!!!!!  , I was sure then that finally Henry was free ,  I saw something that made me cry so hard and I fell to the ground , I saw the shadowy entity descending to the ground  and a happy girl in a blue dress appearing like Sarah telling me " Thank You " and ascending like an orb in towards the sky , looking at this I became very emotional and next I saw a little girl in a green skirt with Yellow flowers on it , saying  with her outstretched hand pointing  towards me , crying " I DONT WANNA GO , NO PLEASE SAVE M…………. " and she too ascended  to the sky as a white orb . That girl was none other than ………..AMY!!!! , MY AMY!!!!!!! , MY SISTER!!!!!. ," NO AMY NOT YOU TOO!!!!! OH GOD , NO PLEASE!! " I shouted as I realized what had happened ( Exorcism's not only expelles evil Spirit's ,  it also frees the trapped one's and good souls !!!)
   I couldn't take it no more and collapsed on the ground,  crying as my sister was gone forever !!!!! and as I was out , I saw Amy walking towards me and saying " Akshay I'm gonna always be with you , but now I want you to go back , We will definitely meet later , with this she kissed me on my cheek and I woke up , I saw Henry fallen on the ground and rushed him to a nearby hospital , as he was being treated , I cried like a baby as to what incidents had unfolded that night , but  I was happy to have saved Henry and Sarah and also freeing my own sister from an eternity on Earth  ……… , The next day  I contacted father Richard of the Vatican and informed him of the exorcism  and the happenings at the cabin  and showed him the tape to which he said " Well done My child, but henceforth do inform the Vatican first !  before doing something like this as Exorcism's can also go horribly wrong !!!!!! ,  OK ? , God bless you ! " " I will Father , Thank you "  I said. 
    After 4 days  as I was sitting in my office playing with bolt I heard the bell ring and it was Henry !!, the then scared and traumatized boy had now transformed into a happy and cheerful one  !!!! ,
    He then told me that he had made up his mind that he also wanted to be a part of the PDT , to which initially I said no as he had much better options his way , but after many days of coaxing me I finally gave in and agreed , as he and I sat in ' death by cafe ' , me drinking a cappuccino and he a latte ( with the same design of a house !!!!! ) ,  But this time with not an ounce of fear , he gulped it down his throat and I laughed as he had a lovely latte moustache !!!!!!! , 
     I  received a phone call with the voice in the other end saying " Please I need your help……………….…….. "
                                 - THE END -

   Author's Note :- guys, I hope you enjoyed it !!!, more coming up soon . The midnight man ritual is an ancient pagan ritual that was used to punish law breakers and sinner's . Evp is 'electro voice phenomenon ' and is thought to be a way to listen to a spirits voice ! 
    Ley lines are lines of high electro magnetic force that are used to indicate places of  high paranormal power , their convergence indicates an area of very high unexplainable activity !!! . I would advise against doing the ritual , Do it at your own risk !!!!!
In case the candel goes off during the game the participants have 10 seconds to relight it or make a salt circle around them  Failure to do so can cause demonic possessions and other unexplainable phenomenon and lead to Spirit infestation . The game ends at 3:33 am . Guys pls excuse any spelling mistakes or other errors for which I'm sorry 😊

     The Midnight Man Ritual (PDT - 01 ) - Akshay 


  • Sonuiyer Iyer

    Sonuiyer Iyer

    Blue mist thanks a lot , it means so much to me

    Aug 17, 2017

  • now this is a very interesting story and i cant wait for more

    Aug 17, 2017

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