Super Panda Read Count : 270

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
Once upon a time there lived a baby panda. His name was James. James was special though he was a super panda. One night a villain came to the James home and took all the pandas except from him. When James woke up he went lookin for his brother, dad and his mum he could not find them any where. So he went around to his friends house he could have not find them too. By then he new something strange was going on. He went looking everywhere but he still could not find them. For once he felt alone and sad. He nearly even started to cry. Suddenly, he heard a noise from in a bush he stepped a couple of steps forwards then a little girl jumped out of the bush and grabbed James. In the process James fainted which made it easy for the little girl to lift him up and bring him back to her house. When she got back she shouted ''Look daddy look what I found!"
"What did I tell you about going out into the wild and catching pandas go put him back,"her daddy said angrily. So she ran round to the back of the house and put James in a little bucket were he stayed until the next morning. He woke up climbed out of his bucket and sat on the ground and thought "Where a I?" Suddenly, James heard the door open he looked up and saw a little girl standing above him holding a bottle of milk. Then the little girl reached down and stuffed the bottle of milk into his mouth. " hey get that out of my mouth" said James
"You can speak! "Said the little girl. 
" Of course I can speak! " shouted James. Suddenly, James shot balls of fire out of his eyes in anger. 


  • Apr 03, 2017

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