Bitter Sweet Ep.1
Read Count : 135
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
[A black car pulls up,the sun beaming down on the car.2 ppl get out] Ethen~ well sis this is the new house Eve~WOW this place is HUGE i love it already Ethen~good hopefully u like the school 2 Eve~WHAT we just whent from NC to CA and ur going to make me go to school are u CRAZY Ethen~well u DO need the rest so i guess u don't have to go till Wednesday Eve~YES [Eve hugs Ethen and runs into the new house] [Ethen and Eve pick out their rooms and unpack as much as they can] ~that night~ [Doorbell rings] [Eve opens door] Mrs.Kay~why hello little girl Eve~oh umm hi Mrs.Kay~were ur neighbors Eve~oh ok my name is Eve Mrs.Kay~well its very nice to meet u my name is Kira Kay and this is my husband Frank Kay [Eve shakes hands with the both of them] Mr.Kay~we have a son his name is Daniel hes 13 u 2 could be friends Eve~maybe,im 12 im turning 13 next month Mrs.Kay~honey where is ur parents are they home? Eve~no i don't have parents but my brother is here hes like my parent he has custody over me [Mrs. & Mr.Kay look at each other than look back at Eve] Eve~i can go get him 4 u? Mr.Kay~no its fine we just wanted to give u some cookies to welcome u to the neighborhood [Mrs. & Mr.Kay hand the basket of cookies to Eve] Eve~thx Mrs.Kay~oh np honey well it was nice to meet u Eve Mr.Kay~yes very nice to meet u Eve~nice to meet u 2 [Mr. & Mrs.Kay walk off Eve shuts door] Eve~they seem nice but weird! And why did they come at night,anyway back to unpacking