What Is Kimiverse? Read Count : 176

Category : Notes/Work

Sub Category : N/A
The Kimi verse is about a universe that includes someone getting crushed by a meteor, and getting powers that they are held responsible with it.

Let me name all the stories in the Kimi verse


Kimi C school life 

Princess K

The life of Lucy

Kevin's life

Little Kimipie 

Disney's Cutie pie 

Betty’s adventures as a ninja

Suzi's life

Danna the new mutant 


The life styles of Odette

Eve's evil tales


Twinkle the seal mutant 

Kal the dog mutant 

Kimiverse! The series

Alula the space traveler 

Tina the paranormal 

Kai’s odd life 

Tani the zombie mutant 

Keira the baby mutant 


  • Jul 07, 2021

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