The Void Of Becoming
Read Count : 199
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I just want out of this cancerous cycle;
It's starting to feel like I'm regressive by nature.
The drop of water from an icicle;
Reforming again and again into moisture.
Is it madness?
Is it wonderful?
Is it sadness?
Is it full?
A b a b
The format
A b a b
Becomes the doormat
A b a b
A new level to the pallet.
I can hardly understand most of my havoc
Doesn't really make sense
So I sit and I panic;
Becoming somewhat of an absence.
Leave it to the critic
To create an appearance
Because who cares how I use that tick
Of the clocks of my life force.
Make sure some day what I learned will stick.
An applause...
Who needs it?
My life was on pause;
Looking for reasons to live it
Which in tune became the cause
Of the times my choices were truent.
Can you see it?
The blood all over these sheets?
The ink of it;
Hope you're all on the edge of your seats.