The New Guy Read Count : 173

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Dear public
In my last text I told you about why I'm no longer performing on stage, the new robots and the company name. But this time I actually caught the night watch! It was a tough challenge, but the exitment I had when Freddy said I could lead the group. Chica is feeling sick so she stayed in broken parts and services all night, plus she threw up a child! I promise she won't do it again, neither will me or Freddy. I heard Fazbear entertainment saw someone on a day shift lour 5 children to the spare parts room. Apparently the gaurdiens' haven't seen any of there kids since! Now I'm kinda worried, don't worry you don't have anything to fear!

-Bonnie bunny


  • Christian Diaz

    Christian Diaz

    its a nice story

    Apr 02, 2017

  • Apr 02, 2017

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