Tri Force (AlleyCat) Read Count : 152

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Science Fiction
My name is Rhianna Leon but the others in the organization only know me as AlleyCat and that is how it will stay. I know I should trust them with my true identity but that is something that I cannot do. Growing up as a Muslim hijab girl I had to deal with people calling me a freak and a terrorist, I had to learn how to keep my self protected and defend myself from the physical attacks so becoming AlleyCat was the way I did it. My family never knew about my other life and still don't. I must keep who I really am a secret till I can truly trust them. The organization I was recueted to is called Tri Force, they found me trying to break into a government lab. Instead of locking me away some where they offered me a position in their organization, I could have said no but that meant I would be locked away. So to keep my identity safe and my family from finding out what I have been doing I joined them. The crazy thing is that there is one in the oragnizasion that keeps looking at me and I feel like I know him some how. But that doesn't matter to me because if he tries anything I will floor his butt. I need to my mind on trying to get away from these guys.


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