Meeting Women Online Read Count : 99

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
I a world where all you have to do is go online and Google search what you want. Well that is how dating is turning out these days with all the dating sites and all. If you are a guy into an Asian women all you have to do is Google Asian dating site. If you are a woman who are into African American men, you can do the same. But little do any of us now that every time we Google those dating sites that that there a people in the darknet tracking our search history. They can even hack the site you are searching for a reroute you to them where they will tell you what ever you want to hear to get you to open your check book or account info. So men and women be very careful when you make a search like that. 
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  • I've heard stories about the dark net... that stuff is scary

    Aug 15, 2017

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