Being Good Read Count : 98

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
What's the use of being good,
 When those for whom 
You would give your life... 
It would bury you alive? 

 What good is it to try to understand anyone,
 When their indifference tears you apart,
And takes your thoughts away
 From your own body -
 Making you nervous and selfish and soulless. 

 What good did it do me to forgive 
When my dreams turned to tears, 
And I saw how people
 Remain unchanged by time and love story.

  What good was it when I hoped, 
When I sighed more often than when I blinked. 
 What is the use of pretending to be whole, 
When pieces of the soul fall 
With every movement I make on the floor...
Remaining incomplete over there.


  • Apr 08, 2021

  • Apr 08, 2021

  • so nice ma'am....

    Apr 08, 2021

  • Apr 16, 2021

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