Twisted Tragedy Book 1 Chapter 4
Read Count : 83
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
In the middle of our discussion, an unwanted person interrupted us... "Come back here girl! So that I can completely torture you!!!", Lucius cackled. "DAD! NO!", Draco pleaded. "Stay out of this, Draco!" "CRUCIO!!!", Lucius yelled. But, the curse never came to me... When I opened my eyes, Draco was on the ground, panting with agony. "Draco!", I screamed. Lucius immediately lifted the curse, then he stalked towards me, his eyes burning with hatred. "BECAUSE OF YOU, I TORTURED MY OWN SON!" "WELL IT WASN'T MY FAULT IN THE FIRST PLACE! YOU-", I stopped in my tracks and my eyes widened in fear. "AVADA KEDAVRA"