Clay, Ray, May: Season 1 Episode 2
Read Count : 163
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Romance
When Clay arrived to school, a large crowd was in front of the school entrance. He pulled a kid out of the crowd, "What is going on?" The kid looked at his arm, "You didn't hear, we got a new student, and she's crazy rich and beautiful!" Clay looked at the kid, then the crowd. "Hey, give me back my purse!" Yelled the girl in the middle of the crowd. Clay forced himself through the crowd, he saw the girls face and looked at the kid with her purse. The girl noticed Clay, she went to hug him. Everyone started yelling and backing them in a corner. Clay grabbed the girls purse and gave it back. "C-Clay do you remember me?" The girl asked pulling a picture out of her purse. Clay grabbed two boys, and rammed their heads together. "Yeah, I remember you, May." Clay paused looking back at her then the crowd of students around them, "If any of you go after he again, you'll have to deal with me!" Everyone looked at Clay, they started laughing and walked off to class.
"They weren't scared of you." May brought up.
"Yeah, no one really is." Clay stated going to class. May followed, "I have all my classes with you."
"Okay, lets go then." They headed to their first period. English.