Dive Of 4 (not Yet Edited) Read Count : 133

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
"Werewolf of 20 body pops up!."

"Rad dude; isn't it nice to know when.?.!"

She rolls 18 dice:

Body of 1 Xs 400 damage -399 in investigations of overall damage from site eyesight sight/sites/sights/otherz

Staring over he says: 

"No loss of vision, but you do end up with a hook-up like drugs; but better than what was taken before."

"Inibriation PLUS one earned but not ' heightened within ' as a problem."

"Do you wish to make sure of an intellectual attack or spell as you've paid 14 experience for warning?"

"Out of careh.; listen man I'd allways take the opportunity, thanks for paying the 30 experince last time...
...to attack the living shit out of this somehow willing new born werewolf yo'."
One intent stare later she remebered to say:

"In intellect,.. then."

He grabs and almost rolls 14 dice:


"Plus 8 ( not a big plus [tough] ) [[ capitalized p..] so... Plus 8 POWER;.. (( all caps )), not power plus 8 nor any variant of power plus 8."

"Math stare;.. it's rare in this game but I know you know I'd be fucking you over eventually if I did it wrong in some missing math niggerish-sad way."

She looks and says:

"So 8 minust 9 of roll 2 if second isn't first and if first 14 dice if over 10 power spent by the object at the time."

"That's nice to know; I will attack her though."

He interupts before taking back the proof of math:

"Don't worry only I could mess this up with your characters level of perseverance and perserverant intelligence."
"I know it's nice for someone to remind you; even though the book says it, it's still really hard to expect or remember the truth of a math based game that has totals."

She looks back and says:

"Minus one rock of soliciees; what's that mean again."

He looks at her and says:

"Remeber you're on a high or drunk intellectual-against Plus (big p) 1 power roll of 14 dice of 20 sided."

"Okay,... intellect is accumulated in experince or experinces gained by a neutral parties favor or an individual's roll..
...making intellect if not in the hands of a person trying to learn the past, manipulate, or destroy the character in mod for the hands of the player to progress experince above destroying the life in front of them for them to end-.. endevitably gain intellect one day progressing trough the game at original body mass of character 1 power of gain of green Xs 6 drive (all lower case... [..meaning advantage -100 divided by 200.. {..making either a plus 4 or 5 a lowercase plus 4 or 5.}"
"/The actual numerical symbol is high much too high in this game to roll making this game very wordly and very understandable./"

"So, when experience is gained it'd  truly be only in the players advantage to spend; making intellect recall importance..
...so when 6s are rolled by you in Xs 2s or in Xs 3s it makes your experince above theirs for the time being and is doubled or tripled for you to react out of character within the characters bounds of intelligence you rolling any duplicate or Xs 2 makes your character beg in all capitols for the answer from you in particular like the game and the character had to choose was a good idea trough me with a 25 to 20 pull dice roll of Strength divided by Intellect with caps like the page say."
"After sucess; as it's called you have the chance to steal sight, site, or true intellect rolled."
"..Only rolled; even though not preferd stolen in all Capitol letters, for it could be serious to life, limb, and sucess;.. ..it can be very useful into the future to remeber such a high level of sight and hearing go into begging you to be heard or seen by this character to annoy them... or not."
"Try to be kind and make it NICE; you know, don't fuck it up and don't fuck her up forever.. okay.?"
"Intellect is am aquired ability to this game in four formats for math: first of all being:: 20 sided dice with a 1 advantage or disadvantage of 0.. ...second beeing::: 14 Kilograms with a BIG k of weight disposes of shadow every 14 steps or 14 rolls... third but not last of all:::: the weight of supposed skin or skins/skinz; or skinz is 1 Ounce with a BIG o per square foot or foot sized step taken, and finally... fourth of all::::: killing involves 14 presences solid;.. not liquid,... nor gas."

"So all in all.. ...when you choose to steal from intelligence this way from your characters actions or true act you actually unlock a new site to the character giving you 14 weights of shadows to be heard from one 20 sided dice (even though reminded as a 21 sided dice [in a safer discription to others;]) ..to pull a lesser skin microphone onto the page made of 26 Ounces of skin ((BIG o)) to preroll 28 presences at least to kill off the reaction as annoying; making this NOT A TYPE OF ATTACK somehow but a newly gained or foreseeably gained site like a monument or new enemy."
"After it etches the mic one of two choices are presented..  ...the first: being:: 14 classes of intellect gained into the eyes, ears, and soul.. ...a 400 strength (all lowercase) 81 ÷ 19 overall with 81 in rep of weight allways and allwayz; and a 19 to represent the disrespect of others ( Intellect [BIG i] - 100 ÷ 2 all strains ((power of 1 18 [[power all lower case]])) 18 call of the WILD.. ... then secondly::: MAKES:::: (ALL capitols [a 14 intellect roll]) 14 grams of tatu over the page."
"Meaning if you do the first use of it trough intellect it hurts them to do it... ..and if you used the first method trough experince it'd make a future dice roll worse for you not BAD nor perserverant in harm; and if you use the second with only intellect it'd cause them harm and a worse roll guaranteed into the future; if you were to use the second with experince they hear or see you."

"The one you used remeber;.. ...do you want the detailed discription of how and or why dice do this?.?"

He asked as she replied:

"Nah, but doesn't barring the eyesight of something guarantee it's harm in the future YET.??"

Holding up his 14 dice still he says:

"No, for you;.. not now,.. not ever.!."

He rolls 14 dice:

Strength Intellect - 100 Xs 8b - b 1800 thousandt - 14 ÷ 81 Xs 2 - 400


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