Ravaged By Apprehension Read Count : 156

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
When your mind is divided and you can't deny it, the truth alludes while fear makes you choose, wearing worn shoes on a path you cannot lose,

Never to believe the mask as your true self will collapse, without a doubt you'd be insane to shout, because the truth is in the fallout,

The Prevarication concentrating certain devastation, in the ashes of your own reincarnation, a looped stigma you can't control within this damnation,

Seeking honesty of one without integrity, you'll never find clarity, only slippery truths become a regularity, and malevolent idealism is the charity,

The effects and can be damaging as the opponent is ravaging, the secrets she's packaging just keep vanishing, but never give up on your examining,

She is building her unfaithful pension by pushing for more tension, ignoring your alluding comprehension by her wicked intentions, she's pushing you into a corner in Apprehension.


  • Mar 30, 2021

  • Mar 30, 2021

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