Genius By Birth Evil By Choice Read Count : 145

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Thriller
      Genius by birth evil by choice.

     "What a nice summer day, isn't it?"   Angelina bragged. "Noooooo! What are you talking about? This is the worst, you getting to have fun?! Wall I'm up and about, doing work?! You get EVERYTHING. And it's so un-FAIR!!!! Ugh." I stammered. "Oooh jees take a chill pill! I didn't mean it like that! I meant it as what a NICE day it is, warm and sunny! Get it now?" Angelina said. "Still N O NNNOOO. Its to hot for me to work out here in the sun, and the sun make me sweat so when the breeze comes it makes me cold. Now do YOU GET IT?" I asked really pissed off. "That's for you, Just, be happy for ME ok?" Angelina said making her way to really digging up my skin. "Look, SHUT UP!!!!!!" I moaned as throwing a rock at her face. It landed in her mouth and knocked her 2 front teeth out. The rock fell out of her mouth. And so did her teeth. I took my computer and ran! But my parents were right there, I looked behind me, Angelina was also right there. But this time, with a metal 🎾 TENNIS RACKET! " MOM. HELP." I gulped and ran hiding behind my dad, as Angelina ran over to take a swing! "Why don't you just feel happy for me?" Angelina asked.


  • thx guys!

    Aug 22, 2017

  • sounds like it could be very interesting. cant wait to read more 😄

    Aug 14, 2017

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