To Those Girls Who Feel Left Behind And Abandoned,
Read Count : 239
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
To those girls who feel left behind and abandoned,If you're a mother, it's not our fault being born as a woman/girl just because you were expecting a baby boy. We deserve love and equality but you didn't treat us the same. The boys always number 1 and the girls always unseen. No matter how hard the girls been trying so hard to impress you, it's gone wrong and your words killed like a poison. Your words underestimate them, has made them having low self esteem and living in a nightmare for ages. Once again it's not our fault being born this way.If you're a mother, I know being a parents is the most scariest thing especially when you were young and it scared the hell of you when you noticed you got pregnant. Unplanned pregnancy wasn't all you wanted but we are all still deserve to live.Dear mother whoever you are, your name or else.... One thing. If you can't love her at least don't hurt her and stop making her cry.--© Vivian Lin to All Girls That Being Left and Abandoned.