Gloomed Maelstrom
Read Count : 78
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Putting all of your eggs in one basket has it's consequences,Expenses always grow breaking a gasket in your defenses,Senses blurry to the developing casket from the inferences,Guesses to the cause of this classic downfall commences.Strung out to dry as life's fragile balance becomes one-sided,Your attempts are facedown in gravel, but still tough-minded,Why is it that my other half wants battle, forever misguided,True love doesn't force mindful scrabble, the devil's collided,Somehow I've lost sight of my goals that were always there,The need to please tainted my soul for those that never care,Underwater and slowly losing control, blinded by their glare,Without a lending hand surrounded by moles, my heart tears,Affairs unannounced became pronounced, and then some,Done with the Agony assigned from the misaligned, total conundrum,Numb from the treasons, wasted reasons most couldn't overcome,Plumb but not level, spirit permanently beveled in this Gloomed Maelstrom.