P1 The Patch And The Sewer Read Count : 131

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Thriller
I got so tired. I was never so tired in my life! It was so weird. I had just passed a big patch of flowers. And a... sewer. And then I had gotten home from my walk with my dog daisy! Nothing had happened on the walk, nothing at all! I laid my head down on the couch and passed out at noon time, just 3 minutes after I had gotten back. When I woke up I saw black. Just black. And then I saw a tiny light and I took the light to find out that it was a lantern. I tried to catch my breath. But it was hard, I saw a picture, of my house, My dog, my family, me on the walk I had taken this morning! It looked like it was from down below, I decided to move to a different country. I sold my house. I found a beautiful flower patch in the Thailand! It also had a sewer, but it's not like my stalker could hide in there. I found a house nearby, and decided to buy it. I checked out the rooms made a blueprint so I could remember and decide where to put things. I went on a walk, a different path, which led to a huge patch of woods. I saw a figure. So I ran home. Daisy in my arms, my life was in front of me, I had to get a closer look, I immediately ran too my sisters house to watch Daisy for me. I thought how much Rachel would love Daisy. "Rachel take Daisy and watch her for I dunno, an hour?" I rumbled on and on. "Ok, why?" Rachel asked looking at Daisy. "DO IT ANYWAYS" I yelled. "Ok Mark OK." Rachel said not quite sure why she needed to watch Daisy.


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