"Special Status Or Recession"
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"SPECIAL STATUS OR RECESSION" Verily!The Jammu and kashmir has special constitutional status.The continued major challenge against constitutional validity of Article 35-A of the Indian constitution is creating disarray in state.Article 35-A debars non residents of jammu and kashmir from buying land or property or getting a govt job in the state,this provision empowers the Jammu and kashmir state legislature to define"permanent residents "of the state and provide special rights and privilege's to the permanent residents,as per the Ranbir penal code(RPC) the constitution of jammu and Kashmir the person who was a state subject on may 14,1954 or who has been a resident of state for 10 yrs and has lawfully acquired immovable property of state. Challenging the special status is bringing everyone together in the valley irrespective of the opinion and this will lead to further complication of ground situation of already havocked state. The scraping is showing greater effect in the valley and its impact is missing in Jammu and Ladakh other two regions of state,removing will definitely affect the socio religious communities of the state,removal will also alter the economy and culture of Jammu region,Is their immense need to remove it?the debate is not about who is killing and who is getting killed,people are trying to gain political benefits out of this. Removing this article will lead to further choas in the already boiled state which is going through a very bad phase and it will further deepen and worsen the already disarrayed valley.Omitting this law will only lead to further "recession"instead of believing its full time inclusion within the state of India, protection of this law is duty of every citizen of the state so that we can prosper and abolish all differences. The constitution is the guide which never will abondon(George Washington). _"Irfan Qadir"
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