Layers Of Insanity Ep.0
Read Count : 109
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Let me out!" I cry. I fight the pain I feel. Though it fights as well. Surfacing from the depths of my soul. Why? Why me of all people? Why did I have to be born with such an awful and horrible curse. More tears come to my eyes. All of my struggles, all of my pain and all of my agonizing cries for help throughout my life got me nowhere. They said I was a freak. The others lied to me. I lied to myself. Would I ever be able to escape this endless loop of insanity. I hope. It's pointless though, because the only thing hope ever got me misery. My brain makes loops of dizziness. Is it because I feel claustrophobic? Most likely. I bang on the white padded wall. I pound and pound and pound and pound. Nothing. I sink down . Back against the wall I hug my knees. Tears run down face. But as soon as the leave my face, they evaporate. On the wall across from me, marked in blood, it says, "THEY LIED TO US". Yes. Yes they did. I rest my head on my knees. I continue to cry, because that's the best I can do for now. It's the only thing I can do for now. And the only two "people" that would be able to comfort me right now are gone. They were taken away by those-those-those monsters! I tried to stop them. I tried hang on to my friends. But I wasn't strong enough. I wanted to be strong enough. But just wanting won't do you any good. Huh? I look back up and pull my hair behind my ears. I shake my hand on the floor, as if it were a dog. As I look around, I notice the room getting darker. Until it's just black. Pitch black. Just when I'm about to accept that I'm going to have to live in the darkness forever, a red light appears in the middle. Although, it's only strong enough to illuminate a small circle around it. My gut tells me to stay right where I am. But my curiosity gets the best of me. I push myself up from the floor, trying my hardest to put my nerves aside. Slowly and cautiously, I make my way to the light. A scream fills my ear, I try to cover it with my right hand, but it doesn't do me any good. The scream is high pitched and raspy. If something as simple as this bothers me, how would I be ever be able to face *her*. While scrunching up my face, I drop to my knees in front of the light. The scream as loud as ever. I then feel something warm come out of my ear. I dab my earlobe with my finger. Blood. I suppose that's expected. I rub it on the floor. I run my hand along where the light is suppose to be. There's no source. So where is the light coming from? Well, should I be suprised? I've already seen some pretty freaky shit in this sorry escuse for a world. A whooshing sound takes place behind me. My heart accelerates. I whip my head around back to the sound. Only darkness. I hear ripping and tearing to the right. So I focus my attention in that direction. The screaming fades. "Why fight it? Death is inevitable," a voice says in distorted vocals. Stop being so afraid Ruby. Just accept fate." "N-n-n-n-n-" I stutter, while being taken aback. "No? Why not?" The voice is in my ear now. I can feel a breath making its way onto my eardrum. My heart beats rapidly. The sharpness of a claw grasps my neck. Although there is nothing to see. It is in fact there. The claw-like thing presses down on my neck slowly. Bit by bit. Little by little. It wants me to fear it. It wants me to scream and fight. It wants to be the reason I stay up at night. But I had enough. "No!" I shout, but I don't stop there. I punch the air, hoping to hit what's grabbing me. My screaming, shouting and punching feel like an eternity. I don't feel the thing anymore. I cough and wheeze. God...thank *God*. The thing is gone, but for how long? I shake my head, and stare at the light. Hmph. I feel around. Wow, there really *is* no source. The light flickers. It's mocking me. It knows that I've suffered. "No more," I mutter to myself. "You can't control me anymore!" I shout into the void. "You *don't* control me anymore!" I'm not completely sucked into their reality yet. So that means...that *I* can call some shots now. "Let there be light!" Nothing happens. "I said, let there be light!" The red light flickers off and a bright white light fills the room. "No, you do not get to do that!" a women's voice echos through the room. "I control this world...and you *do not*!" The wall in front of me-the one that says "THEY LIED TO US"-starts to extend while rotating counterclockwise. I have in urge to puke. I blink once, and when I open my eyes again the room is no longer a room. But a hallway. A very dim hallway at that. With a wooden door at the end, that seems to have been abraded by a stinging dust. "Go on." the voice spits. I shuffle down. "Yessss..." Like a serpant. I shake my head,"Noooo..." I hesitate for a moment; but I then sum up the courage to keep walking. The sound of rustling drifts past my ear. I crane my neck back. I blankly stare at the racing wall. Damn it, move! I pull my self a together as the air gets dryer and tastes more like blood. I sprint as fast as I can. Even though I'm fast, the wall is faster. Just as I'm about to get hit. I get flown through the air, and way farther down the hallway. My face scrapes along the floor; and I do some sort of a somersault. Then land on my stomach. A familiar voice then blasts at me, "Run! Ruby, God damn it! Run!" "Wow, thanks Demon..." I say to myself. "*You*," the woman's voice again. I start to get up, but something grabs my ankle. I look at my foot. "You dare betray your own kind?! You dare help the human?! But, if you wish to die along with your human friend-then so be it!" A hand has a hold of me. It's covered a black muck. With dots of dry blood. I glance up at the wall to see whirling drills coming out of the pads. I grunt as I kick at the hand with my free foot. I jab my heel into it. "Why won't you let go?!" I yell at it. I hop onto my free foot, and pull on my other one. My breathing starts to fasten. When I pull my hardest, it lets go. I give a yelp and fall on my forearms. "Oh, you son of bitch!" I push my self up. I run with a limp. I hop on my right foot as I bring my left foot up, so I can look at it. When the hand grabbed me, it's like it burnt into my skin. I drop my foot and continue. The wall at the end bursts open. I hear the wall speed up. If the wall can go faster , then so can I. I jump through door and land on my hands. All the air leaves my lungs. Behind me. A loud slam is followed by a loud thud. I let out a shaky breath. I lay there frozen for about a good four minutes. My nose then catches a foul and nasty scent. Almost like decomposed bodies. Then something gives off an unpleasant growl. I roll onto my back. My breath stops immediately. There...hangs a beast. With red scarlet eyes and an open mouth. It has ten crooked and hideous yellow teeth. All six hands dig into the concrete ceiling. The whole thing is covered in muck, like the hand from earlier. It has human legs sticking out of it. Some twisted and broken. Others covered in streaks of dry blood with bone jagged out. The beast drops down on top of me. It studies my face. Then jerks its head back as if coming to a conclusion. It takes its left hand-closest to my face-and squeezes my temples. I can feel my skull cracking where it's squeezing. The world spins. I grab its wrist and try to loosen its grip. I can't help but scream. I squint my eyes as tears start to surface. The creature eyes me in amusement. "Stop...just stop-" I gasp for air. I lift my head to look at my chest. The creature has its right middle hand through my chest. Under my left breast. As it rumages around, I do my best to hang onto life. It's looking for something. And it finds it. It's something that beats and pounds. It keeps the flow of blood going... It's my heart. It tugs at it. And my life along with it. My eyes close unwillingly. I'm losing consciousness. I feel my veins detatching from my heart. Then cool air rushes to fill the hole in chest. Blood squirts out. I hear chewing and the splattering of blood everywhere. The pain is something that can't be described. That *shouldn't* be described. I don't deserve this. I never did anything wrong... Or did I? To Be Continued...
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