Mystery Girl Part 7
Read Count : 179
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Drama
Chapter 7 I was happy to see that my hair was finally long enough to throw in a ponytail. The pixie cut was cute, but it was just a daily reminder of that awful night a few months back. Since then, Josh has calmed down a bit. I'm not sure if he scared himself when he almost killed me, or if he was actually starting to change. It didn't really matter what brought on the less angry Josh, I was just relieved that his angry fits didn't end with me covered in bruises. I stood in front of the mirror studying my naked body. After two kids, things were not as firm as they used to be which can feel a little depressing when I thought about leaving Josh. Who would love me looking like this, I would often question. Then I thought of Alex. I tried to push her to the back of my mind, but I failed. She unknowingly has a hold on me that I have no control of. I threw on my favorite jeans with a black t-shirt, then put on a little mascara and topped it off with a light pink lip gloss. Summer turned into fall so fast, so I grabbed a light sweater before I headed out. The boys were already dressed, I just had to help them with their shoes. My nerves were getting the best of me as I buckled the boys into their seats. I almost chickened out as I called Lauren to cancel. “I can't do it,” I snapped as soon as she answered her phone. “Mikayla, get in the car and get over here, it's going to be fine,” she demanded. I took a deep breath to try and ease my mind and started the car. The boys stared out the window commenting on the changing colors of the leaves as we drove over to Lauren's. Their little voices drifted off as I got lost in my own thoughts. I was feeling sick to my stomach as I pulled into Lauren’s driveway. I paused for a moment to calm my nerves before I got out of the car. It felt like my stomach had moved into my throat while we made our way to the front door. David rang the doorbell five times before I realized what he was doing. “I'm coming, I'm coming,” Lauren said as she opened the door. “Hi Auntie Lauren,” Drew yelled as he ran to hug her. The boys ran upstairs to go play with Lauren's kids as I closed the door behind me. I wanted to run back to my car and forget this whole plan. It was risky and I don't know why I didn’t say no when she first mentioned to me. Although, deep down inside I wanted this, I just worried that Josh would find out. In reality, the only way he would become suspicious is if my boys said anything. Thankfully they were typically too busy having fun with Lauren's kids to really notice anything. I checked my hair and makeup in the mirror in Lauren's foyer to make sure I was presentable, or realistically, to stall because I was nervous. “You look beautiful,” a voice chimed in as I turned my head. There she was, standing there staring at me. We caught eyes again and I melted. “Thank you,” I blushed, then looked over to Lauren. “I'll leave you two alone, go into my office for a little privacy,” she winked. Lauren has been spending a lot of time talking to Alex while she's been working on her kitchen. They've gotten to know each other rather well and together they have concocted this plan to get Alex and I together. Lauren has been trying to convince me for months, I finally agreed. I walked into the office and nervously sat on the couch. Alex walked in after me and closed the door behind her. The connection between us was magnetic, I could feel the pull from across the room. She had to feel it too, there was no denying that there was something between us. My heart was doing somersaults while I watched her. She stood there with her short dark hair, and lips that were naturally red. I fantasized about those lips for a couple of years now, I imagined they were soft. Her long muscular legs filled out her jeans quite well and she was so sexy in her dirty work t-shirt. I watched her hands as she grabbed the doorknob to close the door and the butterflies went wild in my tummy. She walked closer to me and my entire body filled with an intense heat, everything inside me tingled in delight. I closed my eyes for a brief second to take in this moment, to just take a mental picture to have with me forever. She came at me fast, before I could protest she had me pinned on the couch. I felt the weight of her body on top of me, our eyes locked for a brief second, she reached down to kiss me. The chills flew over me like a wildfire, I was breathless as I gave in to her advances. “Mikayla?, hello?” I heard her say as I shook my head back to reality. “It looks like you were somewhere else, are you ok?” she asked sweetly as she came and sat next me on the couch. “Yes. I'm fine, I'm sorry. I'm just nervous,” I awkwardly mumbled as I looked up at her. My heart was racing and my nerves took over and I started to cry. “I'm sorry, this is so embarrassing,” I sobbed as I wiped my tears. I felt the comfort of her arm around me as she calmed me. “We don't have to do this,” she said sympathetically. I cleared my throat, “I want to, it's just scary and emotional. I've thought about this moment since I first laid eyes on you,” I pleaded. “Me too,” Alex admitted as she gave that half smile of hers. I melted into her arms as she continued comfort me. Her touch is almost more than I can handle and I start to tremble. She pulls me in tighter as we sit in silence. Our bodies were left to communicate where our words failed us. I could feel her heart beating through her chest confirming my suspicion that she was a bit anxious as well. Her body language oozed such confidence that her nervousness was kept a secret, A secret her heart was whispering just to me as it thumbed next to my ear. I feel that we could spend a lifetime never speaking and we could still communicate. After a few minutes sitting there she broke the silence. “I saw you from across the bar and I couldn't turn away. Your wavy brown hair hung down your back as you danced. I remember catching your eye when you looked up at me. You were the most beautiful thing I have ever seen with your dark blue eyes and your tempting pink lips. You wore a little black dress, and these heels that accentuated your legs,” she explained. “It’s like you're describing someone else, I guess I don't see myself that way,” I sighed as I looked down. “It was too loud to carry on a meaningful conversation, so dancing with you was the next best thing,” she admitted. “I got so lost in your eyes that night that I didn't notice the ring on your finger,” she said as she looked down at my hand. “I left that night and I never stopped thinking of you,” she confessed. I had no idea that she felt that way. My head was spinning with this new information. “I am married, Alex,” I blurted out. She pulled away and looked into my eyes, “I know,” she sighed as she looked back down at my hand. “But it's bad, Alex, so bad that I fear involving you in this mess,” I confessed. “Lauren has told me a bit about your circumstances, I almost backed out of meeting you today, but I felt that I needed to,” she said as she reached out to grab my hand. I felt this kind of electric shock rush through my body as she touched me. I've never felt anything like that, I was breathless just from her touch and I wanted more. It was clear that she felt the same as she looked over and lifted my chin with her hand, my heart was racing as she leaned in. Instinctively, I closed my eyes… “Mama, mama,” Drew ran in crying. Alex jumped up quickly as he came running and jumping on my lap. I sat there hugging him while I glanced up at Alex, with just a look, I apologized. She quickly nodded then stepped out of the room. I sat with Drew for a bit to calm him when Lauren peeked in. When she saw Drew on my lap she mouthed the words, “I'm sorry”. I nodded my head to let her know that it was ok. Drew looked up and asked why I was in here with the lady. I didn't know what to say, so I told him that I was helping her find a pen. He seemed completely fine with it as he continued to tell me that David wasn't being very nice. “Okay baby, mommy will talk to David, come on,” I said softly as we headed out to find David. The boys were settled and playing quietly again. I came downstairs and found Lauren waiting for me. “What happened in there, Alex brushed me off when I asked and went back to work on the kitchen,” she whispered. I sighed then grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into her office and closed the door behind me. “We almost kissed, she was leaning in when Drew came running in, I think it scared her as she jumped up and walked out,” I cried. “I don't know Lauren, this is too risky,” I said. “Don't give up now, you're so close,” Lauren pleaded. Just then there was a soft knock on the door, Lauren opened it then let Alex in. I looked up at Lauren sending her a hint to leave us alone, she got the hint as she nodded back and walked out. We both stood there in silence for what seemed like forever when she suddenly rushed over, reached down and grabbed my face in her hands. Before I could protest, I felt her lips on mine. The butterflies in my tummy were swarming and I stumbled, losing my footing. Alex reached down with her strong arms and pulled me close to her. I melted as I smelled the cologne on her neck. The unfamiliar tingling between my legs scared me as I pushed her away. “I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm doing, I'm sorry,” I said as I ran out the door.