Successfully Failing Read Count : 117

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Struggling against all odds to accomplish the unpassable,

An endeavor to relinquish trust in the impossible,

All attempts in reverse to push forward seeking what's probable,

Are negated with scorned truths so astronomical,

Perseverance of the revered seeking solutions in the resolvable,

To only be discarded with ill intentions of the diabolical,

Never to cave in or be the slave of the volatile,

The objectors methods only chronicle evil so methodical,

Fighting the demons around that always seem to be unstoppable,

As cries for help within these darkened walls are inaudible,

But to give up isn't responsible nor plausible,

An inexhaustible nightmare within reality insoluble,

Confess a return from the given to be taken by the irresponsible,

Successfully Failing as I'm consequentially sailing is life's metaphorical,

I must win by placing bets against sin, as anything else is no longer optional. 


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