Read Count : 220
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
At the interstellar space,
Some activities are occuring.
Some clouds of gases,
In the space are gathering.
The clouds are turning in a giant,
Giving birth to baby protostars.
These babies are now very silent,
Trying to gain some molecular mass.
Now, these babies are brown dwarfs star,
They are in the earliest stars stage.
Glowing by their's gravity,not by their's temperature
Astronomers are calling it T TAURI PHASE.
T TAURI STARS are now shining violet,
Converting themselves in main sequence star.
Fusing with hydrogen and helium at their own rate,
To glow and shine from very far.
Expanding into the red giant,cooler than before
Fusion ends with helium,Starts with carbon floor.
The stars are now dying,Their colours are getting faded
Yet the stars far in sky trying to glow yellow and red.
In the next stage, fusion of heavy element occurs....
Hydrogen converts into helium and iron shows it's presence.
Temperature rises in stars, little less than sun..
Carbon and O2 takes place, in successive stage of stellar evolution.
Finally the stage of supernova and planetary nebula comes,
In this stage their lights and energy seems to be loss.
Planetary nebula starts to form the asteroids,
And to start again the cycle, supernova explodes....
hello everyone, i uploaded this poem as my 30th poetry, yesterday i uploaded life of chicken as my 30th poem. but i deleted it because i didn't liked as it hadn't any poetic feel and flow ... so i uploaded this as my 30th one.. so, in this poem too there may be some errors but now i am practicing it to improve 😍😍🙏🙏
Mar 20, 2021