For Now - Tomorrow Read Count : 115

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
It's a Saturday night,
And the feeling sinks in.
I have to go back home again.
Leave my family, who I love
Return to a place I've lived for so long.

Grab my purse,
And hobble out the door
Sadness seeps in as I walk across the floor,
But I know I'll see you all again.

Everything in my mind says it's foolish to feel
Like I'm dying, and the life I've made isn't real.
But what am I to do,
When I know that I'll lose you
In the end.

Driving back home,
Alone with my thoughts,
Blast my music loud
To try to make them stop
It never works, they always manage to get louder.
This is my last year here on Earth
But whenever I face that,
It just feels worse
And I lose focus of the number on the dashboard.

All my life has lead up to
this moment, this hour, this second.
All the rest will continue after it has passed.
I'll be starting new again; in someways I already have.
Reborn into a new life, I don't trust that you will follow.
But at least I know I'll see you tomorrow.


  • nice 👍

    Mar 14, 2021

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