I Can't Find Myself Read Count : 62

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

We took it from the beginning so many times,
Until you couldn't get me
Back there - from the start.

You know, you can even smoke ten cigarettes,
Nervous, but you can't turn me back
From my way, back to you -
To the way where I can't find myself.
That would be ridiculous!

  I spent white nights waiting for you to come,
The change I expected to see in you,
Changed me in the end, completely.

I made compromises,
I hoped it would be fine between us.
The moment I closed the door of your car,
I felt like I had to leave and never look back! Never! Ever! Never in my life... back to you.


  • Mar 13, 2021

  • nice ma'am 😌

    Mar 13, 2021

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