Strange Thoughts To Bring Forth Weird Feelings
Read Count : 67
Category : Stories
Sub Category : YoungAdult
I just stop and think about the word said any actions taken which caused the reactions to further down the path I stopped because it feels as though I've been slapped in the face it feels as if I have been being lied to from the start when you become an adult you find a partner you get that partner it's supposed to be wonderful you're supposed to have somebody who's got your back who's there for you no matter what even if you're not well sad to say it seems that I have been fooled you're my partner acts not like a partner and I am confused because I understand the level of love but the level of understanding is not present and the s*** that comes out of their mouth put me down lower and lower so how do I express to my loving partner the words they say with such feeling tear me down and make me feel small and make me feel unwanted and unsure of our relationship? That is a question I have yet to figure out otherwise I might do it or I might not maybe I just don't care enough maybe it's all just a trick maybe I'm just a trickster maybe my feelings are. Maybe I have been wrong before and I'm wrong again or I was right before but I'm wrong now all I know is what I feel if what I feel is I am in a hole it is being dug by someone else as I stand next to my lover my friend my supposed partner as he digs me deeper and deeper and I don't even think he sees that he is pulling the ground out from under my feet which is upsetting alone maybe I'm just worried about things I can't fix cuz I probably can't fix the way that he makes me feel when he speaks with such feeling of things that don't sit well with me or maybe it's my lack of communicating with him and maybe if I were to communicate it would be able to be fixed but I guess I won't know until I communicate.