Cambridge Analytica Is The Worm Hole Read Count : 198

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
The end of the Trump presidency is well underway. Thanks to some outstanding research and critical analysis by Patribotics, a lot of the election subterfuge is coming into focus.

"Data Laundering" was the methodology used by a consortium of actors that brought a never before seen level of electoral influence to the 2016 presidential race.

Alfa Bank, a front for Russian Intelligence,  along with Dimitry Firtash, a Russian agent & oligarch, owns Cambridge Analytica - CA. CA is a data targeting company used by the Trump campaign. Alfa Bank also owns SCL, a "fake news" generating propaganda company linked to Russian Intelligence.

CA & SCL obtained stolen Facebook user data accessed by a Russian spy working within CA for manipulation of this database via "fakenews" micro targeting. Russian intelligence then hacked into voter roles of some key swing states such as MI, OH and PA to provide the targets. 

Meanwhile, Paul Manafort acted as the conduit between CA/SCL and Trump. It is being reported that both Manafort and Trump himself knew this targeted info was based on stolen voter databases.

The Alfa Bank server located in Trump Tower provided the delivery point of "processed" data to CA and thus provided the necessary evidence for the granting of the FISA warrant that we have heard mentioned. The warrant went beyond collection of mere server metadata. It explicitly covered any US persons caught up in the snoop.

We need to be aware of some of the intertwined characters involved:

Paul Manafort-worked directly for Dimitri Firtash and has neen linked to numerous Russian players 

Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah are the financial backers of Cambridge Analytica and were the single biggest donor of the Trump campaign

Kellyanne Conway was also recommended to become part of the Trump campaign by the Mercers

Steve Bannon served on the Board of CA, is a close confidant of the Mercers and was strongly recommended to the Trump team to replace Manafort by them

When you consider what we have already learned about the other rogues involved, Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Carter Page et al, one can only believe that the FBI and the impending Congressional investigators must feel like chefs in a kitchen. They are  meticulously gathering all the necessary ingredients, the broth is just starting a low simmer and they are thinking this is going to become one heck of a pot of stew.


  • maitri doshi

    Maitri Doshi


    Apr 02, 2017

  • maitri doshi

    Maitri Doshi


    Apr 02, 2017

  • Erica D

    Erica D

    It continues to amaze me that Trump remains in office despite everything that seems to be coming out on an almost daily basis.

    Apr 02, 2017

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