Behind And Afraid
Read Count : 196
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Awake for a change it feels blah like I can live without it at times it's great but I still wish to never wake again. Some say sad or wrong I say mind your own sets in wrongs don't judge mine for you will never be me so you know not of me that's the fact as I see with my eyes open from a force-fed blindness This World created for me to cling to in beliefs that are turning right wrong and wrong as right but according to whom and why if so ever-changing they say "cuz we growing and learning" I say yes to be controlled the world must control the human mind body and soul just not mine. I've seen the hidden faces unmasked in all their glory and fear has struck me deeper than my soul but my life is mine no matter who or what attempts to take over, I am not a machine, I have emotions and feelings of my own! They do not match certain insights. So many never asked questions that we should because of fearing the unknown. Love and joy I have taken part in though it still seems pointless to further my journey in this hell that many refused to see for themselves, now some people are slowly waking up,to see that something we all should fear,just to run back to lose of control as if like groundhogs they meet their fear like it were a shadow and return to the darkness eyes shut tight ,lack of confidence ,unable to Bare what they see so they pretend eyes didn't open to see anything other than what we were born and made to see learning only what the world decides for us to learn.