SPEAK OUT! Read Count : 180

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
How she turned a Savage has always been a mystery to them that never know when the strong stops being strong
That bright brilliant smile turning to tears
The out going she, remaining a loner .
She was sorry to no one ,not even to her innocent soul
She totally broke down
Having to sit on a corner of the room and wet her pillow because it was her best friend
When someone said "never break the heart of a good soul" maybe some of us were too busy 
From an extrovert to a loner 
DEPRESSION ate her up.
Afraid to talk to the best friends because they also had best  friends to whom they concentrated much
Afraid to talk out,afraid of what they would say,afraid of being rejected,afraid of being judged
SILENCE is the loudest noise I say.,
It ate her soul,her last strength.
She waited for one caring soul ,a soul that never showed up
She had friends , friends who were busy for the happy friends
Friends who were to busy for Merry,friends who believed in living to their fullest
Friends whose life would lead to what she was obviously going through.
She was torn,she was depressed,she had given up
She killed her
She killed her soul
Her faint heart gave up
And she ran to the friend ROPE
Maybe ROPE didn't judge her for being sick,maybe ROPE didn't tell out that she was HIV positive,maybe ROPE didn't tell out that she had an abortion,maybe ROPE didn't tell out that she had become an addict, maybe ROPE didn't tell out her problem,maybe ROPE didn't betray
But ROPE took it all
ROPE took the collection of all,that could have been saved by a talk



  • Mar 07, 2021

  • Mar 07, 2021

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