Black Lives Matter!!
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Category : Articles
Sub Category : Politics
All my life I heard three important words which are : Equality , Justice , Peace . But overtime i have discovered that black people have no peace , justice nor equality and they have been fighting for all those three words to apply to them for centuries. Being a black person especially in this world is traumatizing because you are attacked just because of the color of your skin. Dr .Martin Luther King had a dream that still has not come through. I have a dream too : I want to go to job interviews and be picked because of my skills . I want to go birding which Christian Copper didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to go jogging which Amaud Arbery didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to relax in the comfort of my own home which Bothem Sean, Atatiana Jefferson and Breonna Taylor didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to ask for help after being in a car crash which Jonathan Ferrell and Renisha McBride didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to have a cellphone which Stephon Clarke didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to leave a party to get to safety which Jordan Edwards didn’t get to do peacefully . I want to play loud music which Jordan Davis didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to sell CDs which Alton Sterling didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to sleep and wake up which Aiyana Jones didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to walk from the corner store which Mike Brown didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to play cops and robbers which Tamir Rice didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to go to church which Charleston9 didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to walk home with a bag of Skittles which Trayvon Martin didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to hold a hair brush while leaving my own bachelor party which Sean Bell didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to party on New Years which Oscar Grant didn’t get to do peacefully.I want to get a normal traffic ticket which Sandra Bland didn’t get to do peacefully . I want to go to a white school which Little Rock Nine didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to lawfully carry a weapon which Philando Castile didn’t get to do peacefully . I want to be able to break down on a public road with car problem which Corey Jones didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to be able to shop at a Walmart which John Crawford didn’t get to do peacefully.I want to have a disabled vehicle which Terrence Crutcher didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to be able to read a book in my own car which Keith Scott didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to be a 10 yr old walking with my grandfather which Clifford Glover didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to be able to decorate for a party which Claude Reese didn’t get to do peacefully. I want to able to ask a cop a question without being killed like Randy Evans did. I want to able to cash a check in peace and not die like Yvonne Smallwood. I want to be able to take out my wallet and not die like Amadou Diallo did. I want to be able to run and not die as Walter Scott did. I want to be able to breathe which George Floyd and Eric Garner didn't get to do.I want to be able to wear a mask and not look suspicious like Elijah McClain did which caused his death. I want to be able to live which Freddie Gray didn't get to do. I want to be arrested without the fear of being murdered as George Floyd did. All those people were just living there lives and they did die so that shows that we need justice, peace, and equality. -Kaysia Maddix