A Letter For Myself. Read Count : 146

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Dear Rhey,

      Hey, how are you? I know your not OK,  but can you at least try to moved on and open your heart to those who wants to woo you, you see they only know your story. But they don't how deep is your pain.. I thought you already forgive the man who shattered your heart into pieces...
But its been how many years can you at least try to forgive and forget... If you cannot you might as well go and find him then kill him yourself in order to vent your anger for breaking you..
Your world crumble when people told you that he will never come back..
But you need to fight back for your babies sake. In the end you doesn't know to love anymore...
Yes you smile, laugh do things like the way you used to, but deep in your heart you have change, your not the same person they know...

Can ykh at least try to give somebody a change to break the hard wall you build up in your heart...its been years rhey...move on start anew and be in love all over again....


  • Jan 24, 2021

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