To Be Read Count : 140

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

I would like to be amnesic
While you are with him.
I would like not to remember
That you tell me the same words
You say to him.

Why didn't I know you before
When you were untied,
When you didn't share your love at two,
When you were alone
And ready to fulfill your desires.

  I would like to be amnesiac
While you're not with me.
I would like to be amnesiac
While you are with him.

I stay until the end,
Even if I met her late.
I stay here because she
Is the missing part of my happiness.

I will stay until we join
Our breaths in one long kiss.
I will stay to wait for her,
Even if the lonely nights steal my tears.


  • Jan 19, 2021

  • Nice

    Jan 20, 2021

  • like it, love it, felt it, want more of it, as it is how I feel about some one right now

    Jan 20, 2021

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