Lovers In A Different Dimension Episode 1 Read Count : 116

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance

(The episode shows people walking around in costumes)

Narrator: It’s Halloween night, the day to go to parties, scare each other until you can barely breath, a time when you can dress up as whatever monster you like, and this day, we are telling scary stories with our friends.

(In Mariah’s room, Kiki, Maria, Jake, Jeff, Tiffany, and Kanisha are sitting on the floor)

(In the bedroom is a closet, carpet, a bunch of picture frames, a queen-size bed, and a wooden door)

(Mariah has long black hair, and is wearing a sun headband, a bright yellow dress)

(Kiki has red hair, and is wearing a black/purple witch hat, and a dress to match.)

(Maria has short curly red hair, wearing a white wolf outfit)

(Jeff who has blond hair, and dressed as a sniper and has tiger features)

(Jake has brown hair, and dressed as a zombie wearing black shirt, and blue pants, looking all ripped.)

(Tiffany has red hair wearing a black cat outfit)

(Kanisha has black hair, has a moon headband on, wearing a white dress with black moon crest on it)

Kiki (looking at Kanisha): How the heck do you come up with a story like that?

Mariah: Kanisha is the queen of scary.

Kanisha (with a flashlight under her chin): I always say that if you want to terrify people use realism.

Jeff: That is a good point, there is nothing more scary than reality.

Kiki: True, but you know you two never answered why we can’t go outside.

(Maria, Mariah, and Kanisha look at each other)

Kanisha: Well, we thought it would be more exciting to watch scary movies together, but first I wanted to tell horror stories.

Jake: By the way, where’s Tiffany?

(A hand waves from behind the bed.)

Jake: (smiles) Oh, there you are (looks worried at Tiffany) are you okay?

Kanisha (as I put my flashlight down): It’s okay, Tiffany, I’m all done.

Tiffany (looks at Kanisha): Are you positive?

Kanisha (smiles): I promise, it’s safe.

Kimi: Yeah, come out, little Kitty.

(Tiffany gets up, but as she walks to Kiki, she sees a shadow looking like a monster, then runs out the door)

Kiki (as she ran out the door): Tiffany, come back.

Jeff (confused): What scared her?

(Kanisha looked out the window, then opened the door that leads to the balcony)

(A blur appeared and Kanisha disappeared)

Mariah: Kanisha, what did you see?

Mariah (walks to the balcony): Kanisha! Kanisha! Is this some kind of prank or did you really just disappear?

(Mariah looks around and sees nobody, so her eyes glow and turns invisible)

(Downstairs, Kiki finally caught up with Tiffany.)

Tiffany: Girl, it’s okay, there is nothing here, whatever you saw, it was just somebody in a costume.

Tiffany (still shivering): Are you sure? It looked real.

Kiki: Yes, think about it, it’s Halloween, what spooky things happen here?

Tiffany: You’re right

(Tiffany out of the dark and hugs Kiki)

Kiki: See nothing scary (walks) Now, let’s go upstairs.

Tiffany (grabs Kiki’s hand): Could we hold hands, while we go upstairs?

Kiki: Okay.

(Kiki and Tiffany runs upstairs)

Kiki (by Maria): Where did Kanisha and Mariah go?

Maria: Well, because of Tiffany, Kanisha checked to see what was outside the balcony, but she disappeared, then Mariah went out the balcony and now she is gone.

Kiki (pounting): The lovers dumped us to have some alone time.

Jake: I doubt it, they don’t seem the type.

Tiffany: Maybe they got abducted by something magical.

Jesse: Let’s hope not

(The screen switches to Clay - a boy who has short spiky black hair, wearing a samurai outfit, while holding hands with Michael, a boy who has brown/blonde hair, wearing a yakuza outfit)

Clay: You sure you want to go to this party?

Michael: Clay, I know you want to protect me because you have faced supernatural stuff, but I’ll be okay.

Clay: I know, still be cautious, wait 

(A blur pasts by)

Clay: Caught you.


(A person who has a cavewoman outfit)

Michael: How did you sense this person?

Clay: Easy (looks at the person) what are you doing here?

The person: I am looking for a friend, mortal

Clay: Friend, huh?

The person: Yes, and if you don’t mind I will be going, wait (smells Clay) you smell familiar 

Clay: I wouldn’t try anything funny

(The person looks at Michael who has a red aura around him and his eyes are glowing)

The person (backing away): Easy! Easy! Easy! 

Michael: Stay away from my boyfriend 

The person: You two are going out (mouth widen) I remember you, Clay, that’s your name, the gambler we tried to drain. But, you actually made out alive

Michael: Your making your situation worse

The person: It wasn’t me, who tried to drain him

Michael (smiles): Good

The person: I should leave.

Michael: Good idea, please go.

The person: Got it, oh keep your friends close (flies away)

(Michael and Clay continue walk to the party)

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Mariah waking up, beside each other)

Kanisha (looks at Mariah): Are you okay?

Mariah (looks at Kanisha): Yeah, you?

(Kanisha nodded)

(Both Kanisha and Mariah look up and see a brain with tentacles attached to it)

(Kanisha and Mariah screamed in fear and backed up)

(They see more brain aliens)

Kanisha (changes into her angel self): Back off

Mariah (changes into her devil self): Yeah, what do you want?

A voice: I only was supposed to capture one of them

(Kanisha and Mariah sees the voice is coming from a brain alien wearing a suit)

Brain alien: Which one?

Leader of the brain aliens: The angel

(A bunch of tentacles wrap around Kanisha)

Kanisha (strugging): Let me go

Mariah (about to hit them with a fire fist): Hands off my girlfriend.

Another Brain alien (with his tentacles wrapped around Mariah) : The protejection of her love

Kanisha (struggling): Don’t you dare hurt her

First brain alien: Of course, we won’t, after all both your memories are more delicious.

Kanisha and Mariah (confused): Our memories

(Sparkling aura comes out of Mariah and Kanisha, while they are struggling)

Mariah (weak): What is going

Kanisha (weak): On?

(Kanisha and Mariah fainted)

(The brain alien throws Kanisha and Mariah out of the spaceship)

(The spaceship zooms offs)

(Episode ends)


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