What If I Tried Read Count : 144

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
What if I tried to tell you farewell  
What if I tried to tell you Adios  
What if I tried to tell you good-day 
What if I tried? 
Would you accept my goodbye?

 Would you agree we dissolve the past  Would you let your grudges go  
I never meant to give you scars 
The night we played with those junkyard cars  
I really did try to control those fires  

 What if I tried harder?  
What if I fixed those wires  
What if I’d tried to find more water 
 Maybe then you wouldn’t have died  
I could’ve tried harder  

 Maybe you wouldn’t be haunting my daughter  
Maybe you wouldn’t be tormenting my dog Maybe you wouldn’t be causing chaos at home  
Maybe things would be different 
 And I wouldn’t feel bad each time I wake

 If I hadn’t told you to come out with me 
 If I hadn’t decided we leave our phones 
If I’d brought water 
 Or chose somewhere else we go 
Maybe things would’ve been different

  I wouldn’t have caused a death at 16  Hearing almost nothing as an off duty doctor announces your death  
Watched as an ambulance drove you away  As I ran back home crying  

 I wouldn’t have  
Attended a funeral with 
grieving parents  
Crying sisters  
And angry uncles  

 You wouldn’t have had to watch as your parents spoke at your funeral  
As your siblings cleared out your bedroom because your parents just couldn’t 
 Oh, I just can’t even begin to fathom how things could be different  
 What if I’d tried?  

Would you still be creating strange noises throughout my house  
Knocking things off my walls 
 Creating drafts of wind and loud sounds  And making me regret ever going forward 

What if I tried to tell you 
Would you accept my apology? 
Well, it was definitely worth a try


  • beautiful!

    Jan 13, 2021

  • Jan 13, 2021

  • Nice

    Jan 24, 2021

  • Good one

    Apr 27, 2021

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