Colourland Series 7: Bear On Trial
Read Count : 95
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
This is the Bear on Trial section.Chapter 7Aftermath of the FightChallenger and Colour King were talking." So, we did it " said Challenger." We sure did " said Colour King." Colourlandish people will be thrilled "" We must get the authorities here "" Yeah, we cannot let the Bear make it away " said Challenger." We are in the middle of a forest so we will have to drive Bear members into the main area " said Colour King." Yeah, we will have to find the closest place to here outside the forest " saix Challenger." Let's do it "" How many can fit " said Colour King.They put the most people that could fit inside the vans and drove them outside of the forest.They continued doing this and they were eventually done and the authorities were called by Colour King.Colour King took pictures of the hideout so that people could know about it.Colour King and Challenger then drove back, got Crayon and his friends with the officials of Colour King.The authorities arrived with all of them." So you all took down the Bear " said an officer." That is great "" Well, they don't appear to be dead so that they will go on trial "" Yes " said Challenger." That's the plan " said Colour King." The others should go to the hospital for sure " said Challenger." The injuries are too severe "The hospital was then called, the fighters were taken to the hospital.The Bear were taken away in the police vans to the station." Well, we will have to wait for them to wake up " said the first officer." Yeah, that is for sure " said the second officer." They have been caught which is great " said the third officer.Meanwhile Crayon and his friends were in the hospital resting. Artby and Colouruke woke up first." I think we did it " said Colouruke." I always believed in us and bakers, my baker beliefs are good to have " said Artby." Baker beliefs ? " asked Colouruke." Yeah, I believe in them " said Artby." I love bakers so much and they love my mouth so much how could I not "" Well, it is good that we are all alive " said Colouruke." When we heal up we can go to the bakery "" Yeah, that would be great " said Artby." Bakers love my purchases "" I wonder who will wake up next " said Colouruke.Warbler woke up." Hey " said Warbler." We have done it " said Colouruke." That is awesome " said Warbler." Bakers are so happy " said Artby." They really are great people "" They have not liked what the Bear have done "" Well, I imagine they would not " said Colouruke." Well, I am glad we have made it " said Warbler." Bakers will love this " said Artby.More time continued passing, Colour King's officials woke up and were talking." The Bear are finished " said Colourclever." Yeah, justice will come " said Colour Dictator." Easeion will be very pissed " said Colour Administrator." That is for the best " said Colour Queen." I hope that they get a lot of years but there was no murdering " said Oceanoke." Well, Challenger is not as harsh as Colour King when it comes to crime so it is hard to say " said Electro." Yeah, that is true " said Oceanoke." The Smithsons have been stopped which will make Colourlandish happy as it gets " said Colourclever." It isn't just them " said Colour Queen." All of the Bear have angered Colourlandish people "" I wonder where Colour King is ? " asked Colour Dictator." He is with Challenger somewhere " said Colourclever.More time passed again and eventually everyone was ready to leave the hospital.Crayon and his friends were talking with Colour King and his officials." Well, that was great " said Colour King." It seems that the Bear were not as dangerous as they thought they were "" We ate so much bread " said Artby." Baking is too much for them "" Bakers know we are fighting for them "" Well, Easeion is now arrested " said Colourclever." I wonder what jail will be like for him " said Colourea." Hopefully it is not great " said Colour King." Our judges must stand strong "" Yes, to not arrest them would not be Colourlandish " said Colour Dictator." I am not sure what will happen in the future " said Colour King." I do know that we must stay Colourlandish "" Well, we will continue to stay in Colourland " said Challenger." King Bobby must be contacted " said Colour Administrator." We never planned to actually support the Bear " said Colour Dictator." We know that if Challenger is the leader now that these gangs must be put out of the way " said Colourclever." Well, I wonder who is next " said Colour Queen." I'm not sure, I'm just happy that the Bear is finished " said Crayon." Yes, this is a day to celebrate for sure " said Colouruke." Yeah, sounds like a plan " said Allie." There will be an event that all of us and other Colourlandish will be at soon " said Electro." Yeah, sounds good to me " said Allie." Allie and Warbler are originally from Bird's Isle but they did so much in the fight so they will be there " said Colour Queen." That is good " said Allie." Me and Warbler have trained hard "" I can tell, glad to see " said Colour King." Well, we have to be off now so see you all then "" I will contact Challenger first, he will tell the rest of you "They headed off their seperate ways, Crayon and his friends then headed to the bakery." We will see these bakers again " said Artby." I dream about bakers so much "" They are amazing, I dream about bakers baking bread "" Well, let's go inside " said Warbler.They entered the bakery where Artby was speaking." I love you bakers so much " said Artby." I will always do so, never forget that "" Uh, okay " said a baker." Your baking does so much for my mouth, my mouth is loved by bread " said Artby." When my mouth is so loved, I feel happier "" Not to mention what you have done for Crayon "" For Crayon ? " asked a baker." His taste buds and for him sexually as well " said Artby." Sexually ? " asked Allie." Yes, he is better sexually thanks to baking " said Artby." Baking has changed him "" What the " said Crayon." Crayon is changed by bakers, bakers love Crayon and I love them " said Artby." I love baking, their baking is how they show their love for my mouth "" For your mouth ? " asked a baker confused." Yes, you have all shown this " said Artby." The sex that Crayon has is changed from baking "" Artby " said Colouruke." Yes Colouruke " said Artby." Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke." Baking does a lot for sex, I'm sure customers talk to bakers about this " said Artby." Never heard about that " said a baker." Same here " said Allie." Yeah, I don't see why customers would do this " said Colourea." In other bakeries they probably do that " said Artby." Customers feel loved by bakers and because of baking they feel better "" Well, there is a lot of great bread here " said Challenger." We should get a bunch "They got their bread and left.Crayon and his friends were talking." I feel great as a customer " said Artby." My purchases really are showing my love for the baker "" I love bakers "" Your love for the baker ? " asked Colourea." Bakers are in love with my mouth, they use bread to show that " said Artby." Why your mouth ? " asked Allie." They love the purchases I make, they love it so much " said Artby." They love Crayon a lot also "" Not just Crayon though, all of us they love "" They show it in different ways "" Colouruke said what the fuck before and I am not surprised he did " said Challenger." Yes, let's head home " said Crayon." Sounds like a plan to me " said Allie.They headed their seperate ways and waved goodbye.Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby headed inside their home.Meanwhile Bear members were in jail and were talking. Easeion was talking with Xax." I am in jail " said Easeion." Me of all people "" Yeah, we should be in the hideout " said Xax." It seems that Brett lost "" I don't understand, he is so powerful " said Easeion." Same here but Colour King and Challenger must have figured something out " said Xax." I wonder when the court date will be "" We can escape then " said Easeion." They cannot arrest all of us "" That is true, maybe we can stage a breakout of all prisoners here " said Xax." Yeah, the others being caught will make it easier to get away " said Easeion." I wonder who will be at the court hearing " said Xax." Crayon will go " said Easeion.Other Bear members were talking." Someone as beautiful as Blackina should be free " said Blackin." Your body shines so much beauty to be in a place like this "" Thanks, we must escape " said Blackina." Still the day of that court case does interest me "" I really wonder who will be there "" Family members of Bear members " said Blackin." It could be "" I wonder if that will be the case "" The others probably are wondering the same " said Blackina.Blackin then kissed Blackina.Brett was in jail with Whites." This is not good " said Brett." I must have lost "" Well, we must get out of here " said Whites." This shit cannot continue "" My cousin must marry Blackina "" Yes, the wedding must happen " said Brett." Blackin and Blackina have feelings that are so strong for each other " said Whites." The desire that Blackin has for Blackina cannot be outmatched "" Well, yes " said Brett.Alice and Melissa were together." I am upset about this " said Alice." I wanted to be around Easeion and not in jail "" Yeah, this is unbelievable " said Melissa." The others must feel the same way "" Easeion has done a lot for the organization " said Alice.More Bear members continued talking with each other and they were not happy to be in jail and they expected to be in the hideout.Time continued passing, Crayon and his friends enjoyed supper and they were talking." Feels good to be back here " said Crayon." It does " said Colouruke." Bakers want this " said Artby." Bakers want us enjoying ourselves here "" Well, it is good being back here " said Colourea." I wonder what will be next "" I am not sure about that " said Colouruke." Challenger may want more training just to be sure " said Crayon." More bread from bakers will help with that " said Artby." Training and bakeries have had a long history together "" History ? " asked Colourea." Yes, fighters have had a long history of going to the bakery " said Artby." Fighters love bread "" Bread does so much in a fight "" Bakers understand what fighters need "" They do ? " asked Crayon." They know that flour helps with punching and kicking " said Artby.More time continued passing and then Crayon started kissing Colourea.Crayon and Coloures jumped into the bed together where they enjoyed each other.Colouruke and Artby were talking." Colouruke, Crayon is so happy " said Artby." Bakers have made him happier "" Bakers ? " asked Colouruke." Yes, he is so happy sexually thanks to bread " said Artby." Bread ? " asked Colouruke." Yes, bread is doing so much right now " said Artby." The flour helps us and helps Crayon when it comes to sex "" What the fuck " said Colouruke." Colouruke, flour helps sex " said Artby." Yeah, that's why I said that " said Colouruke." We should get to bed "lm" Yeah, we should " said Artby." Flour is helping that sex "" Bakers want Crayon having it "" I'm off to bed " said Colouruke." Yeah, let's go to bed " said Artby." I must dream ablmm.t bakers "" Baking will happen in the dream "The two of them went to bed.Meanwhile Maxclever and Willemease were talking." So it seems that there are a few days before the case " said Maxclever." Yeah " said Willemease." We will plan something at the courtroom " said Maxclever." Yes, the Bear will not go down easily " said Willemease.Everyone went to bed.Morning came, everyone got up and got ready.Chapter 8The Colourlandish CelebrationCrayon and his friends left the house and they met up with Warbler and Allie." Good morning " said Warbler." Good morning " the rest of them said." This celebration is something I wonder about " said Colourea." Me too " said Colouruke." Bakers are involved " said Artby." They will be celebrated "" Well, we should see Challenger " said Crayon.They all headed to see Challenger, they all were talking." Challenger, good morning " said Crayon." Good morning to all of you " said Challenger." I was contacted by Colour King "" He wants us to be at Colourland Square for 12:30 pm "" We will head there for that time " said Colouruke." Bakers will go " said Artby." Bakers ? " asked Allie." Yes, bakers are involved with all of this " said Artby." Well, we will see " said Warbler." I am not sure what will happen there "Meanwhile Flora and Jessica were talking." The other Bear members must be outraged " said Flora." Yeah, this is unbelievable " said Jessica." I am sure they are thinking of something " said Flora." During the court case, the Bear will do something " said Jessica." We will need a distraction " said Flora." We will have to think of something good " said Jessica." Perhaps some members could use some techniques while they are there to distract people " said Flora." Yeah, that would be good " said Jessica.Time continued passing, Crayon and his friends were at Colourland Square with Colour King and his officials." Glad we are all here today " said Colour King." There is a great reason for this " said Colour Queen." We all took down the Bear " said Colourclever." They are in jail right now " said Colour Dictator." They have no regulars in the hideout "" The others are in a different jail in Colourland "" We must celebrate " said Colour King." The authorities were able to take all the credit cards they stole "" They have now put everything that is stolen in a place where everyone can get it back "" Some of what they stole was consumed by them but a lot is available "" Now, we will have a celebration for this " said Electro." Awesome " said Warbler." It sure is " said Oceanoke.People came to the square and they were happy that the Bear was finished and that these crimes would be no more.People thanked the fighters, pictures were taken. Lots of them.More time passed, Easeion was talking with Xax." So the court date is in three days from now " said Easeion." We will need to plan the attack "" Yeah, we will break out " said Xax." The Bear will be back "" The organization will be back with an aggressive vengeance " said Easeion." It can't end this way "Crayon and his friends enjoyed the celebration." This feels great " said Crayon." It sure does " said Allie." Bakers would be proud " said Artby." They will love this "" I love bakers "" I wonder if training should resume tomorrow " said Colouruke." It would be a good idea " said Challenger." Yeah, we will get stronger " said Warbler." We must be ready for anything " said Allie." There could be another gang wanting to take over " said Challenger.More time kept passing, Blackin was talking to Blackina." We must see the other members " said Blackin." Yes " said Blackina." These guards are not fucking around here " said Blackin." Yeah, we will be ready " said Blackina." My desire for you is still there, it is going nowhere " said Blackin." My feelings for you are so strong now "" Glad to see " said Blackina.Meanwhile Easeion was talking with Xax." These guards are no joke " said Easeion." When you are guarding Easeion Smithson, there is a way you must be here "" Well, we will see the others soon " said Xax." Good, I will be free " said Easeion." No Smithson ever stays this way "" It is the way the Smithsons must be, as a Smithson I will not stand for it "" Yeah, we cannot have this keep going on " said Xax." Still it makes you truly love the hideout even more "" That is true " said Easeion." I will not forget "" Yes, we will succeed " said Xax.More time continued passing, Colour King and his officials were talking with Crayon and his friends." Well, that is it for today " said Colour King." Lots of people got to celebrate what happened "" Yeah, it was great " said Crayon." I must tell you about the court case " said Colour King." Tomorrow morning, you all will come see me "" Sounds good, we will head there after breakfast " said Colourea." The Bear are going to trial " said Colour King." Yeah, hopefully they go to jail " said Colouruke." They must stay there " said Warbler." They will just assault and rob people again "" I want a longer sentence than thieves usually get " said Colour King." I know that we pretended to work with them but we really do not support them at all "" Well, I'm glad everything is put behind us " said Crayon." With Challenger being the leader, I know that we must eliminate these gangs " said Colour King." Well, if they get too out of control we can fight them " said Crayon." Yeah, we will continue our training to be sure " said Challenger." Good " said Colour King.They said their goodbyes and headed to their respective houses.Crayon and his friends made their supper which they enjoyed." That court date is going to be something " said Crayon." Bakers want the Bear guilty " said Artby." A lot of people do " said Colouruke." Colourlandish people have had peace for a long time now " said Colourea." Yeah, that is really good " said Colouruke." Bakers will be there " said Artby." That is a lot of criminals to face the trial at once " said Colourea." Yeah, it will be covered by a lot of news stations " said Colouruke." Speaking of news stations, what about QuackQ ? " asked Crayon." I haven't heard from them in so long now "" I got a message from Challenger just now which says they will be there " said Colouruke." Okay " said Crayon.Time continued passing and everyone went to bed. Crayon kissed Colourea and they both talked about how much they loved each other before bed.Meanwhile, Melissa and Alice were talking." This trial is getting close " said Alice." Bear members must think about what to do " said Melissa." If all of us end up going to jail for a long time it will be a disaster for sure "" Yeah, I want to see Easeion " said Alice." He calls me the villainess that he needs "" Yes, you should be able to see him very soon " said Melissa." Good " said Alice.More time continued passing and everyone went to bed.Chapter 9The Trial DateCrayon and his friends woke up and got ready. They then enjoyed their breakfast and they headed outside where they saw Warbler and Allie.The six of them said hello to each other and they headed towards Colour King's place.They ran into Challenger on the way, the seven of them then met up with Colour King and Colour Queen.They then started talking." So, it seems that the court date has been revealed " said Colour King." What day is it ? " asked Crayon." It is two days from now " said Colour Queen." This day will decide everything you all must be present " said Colour King." It starts at 11:30 am at Colourland Courthouse "" I have heard of that place " said Colouruke." It is gigantic, it can fit so many people " said Colour King." Many great arrests have happened there "" If all Bear members are found guilty then that will be great " said Colour Queen." Yeah, they have been disastrous for the society of Colourland "" Society must stay Colourlandish, you must all understand " said Colour King." I wonder who will go to this case " said Artby." Bakers ? "" I think that family members of the Bear may go " said Colour King." I don't think that bakers will go there "" I wonder what other family they will have " said Crayon." Time will tell " said Colouruke.Meanwhile Easeion was talking with Xax." It is two days away from the day now " said Easeion." We will make our escape there "" Yes, we will " said Xax." I hope that the others are thinking the same way "" Yeah, that would be great "" Well, we shall see how the Bear will deal with this " said Easeion.Flora and Jessica were talking." Only two days now " said Flora." Yes, our escape is this close " said Jessica." Yeah, it will be great " said Flora." It sure will " said Jessica." The Bear will return to the organization it was " said Flora.Blackin and Blackina were talking." Blackina, I love you so much " said Blackin." Thanks " said Blackina." A woman with your beauty should be free " said Blackin." Not in here "" Yes, we will all escape " said Blackina." We will be back in the hideout again " said Blackin." Then the wedding will happen "" Yes, our marriage must happen " said Blackina." My desire for you is so strong " said Blackin." Nobody has loved like I have "Colour King was talking with Challenger." Tomorrow is a day that you should make sure that everything is ready for the court case " said Colour King." Yes, we will make sure " said Challenger." Good " said Colour King." You will all witness the Bear being sent to jail "" They need to be there " said Challenger." Well, we will be seeing you all there " said Colour King." My officials will be there as well, King Bobby will watch this online "Crayon and his friends left the building.Meanwhile King Bobby and his advisors were talking." This is a good thing for Colourland, what a day " said King Bobby." Yes, they will be going to jail " said Queen Starling." Royalnews will cover the trial " said Blackburnian." Warbler will be there "" Warbler will get to see this justice happen " said Diana." After this trial date, we will talk about the war " said Lord Grackle." I want resources "" Same here " said Rourke." Bird's Isle will have more people want to be here " said Draco." We will need to talk with Colour King about this invasion " said Rourke." Him and his officials will make a decision " said Draco." Challenger is the leader " said King Bobby." He does not think this war is a good war "" That does annoy me " said Diana." That being said, Colourlandish will still be able to fight "" Yes, there are people in Colourland who want this war " said Blackburnian." Yes, they will come here " said King Bobby." Our warriors are going to love this opportunity "" They love fighting, they love war "" They want this so much "" Yeah, we will make sure that Coastal Island crumbles " said Salvador." We will take everything " said Paula." Bird's Isle needs these wars " said King Bobby." They do so much for here "Crayon and his friends were talking." Only two days from now " said Colourea." Yeah, there is so much riding on this " said Colouruke." Bakers want them in jail, bakers can never be hurt " said Artby." When a baker is hurt, baking is affected "" I will never allow any baker to be hurt, they bake for mouths they truly love "" Mouths they truly love ? " asked Allie." Yes, bakers have fallen in love with my mouth and many others " said Artby." It isn't just my mouth, they use baking to show this "" Baking bread can be a way that a baker shows affection for the customer "" Bakers love their customers a lot "" Affection for the customer ? " asked Warbler." Yes, bakers love the customer so much " said Artby." Customers buying bread they like " said Challenger." Falling in love with them, I am not so sure about "" Bakers have fallen in love with my mouth, bread is how they show that " said Artby." The flour they use is a flour that helps with that "" Flour does so much, I love flour "" Flour has helped my mouth and helped bakers "" Flour has helped your mouth ? " asked Colourea." That is something " said Allie." Flour does so much for me " said Artby." This is a sign from bakers "" Sign from bakers ? " asked Colouruke." Yes, it is " said Artby." Bakers truly love my mouth, baking shows the love, respect and understanding of my mouth "" Artby " said Colouruke." Yes Colouruke " said Artby." Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke." There is an understanding of my mouth but not just mine from bakers which is shown through baking " said Artby.They then went to their respective houses.Time continued passing, everyone had their supper which they enjoyed.Whites and Brett were talking." So the trial is only two days away from now " said Whites." We will make an escape there "" Yes, the Smithsons must be free " said Brett." The Bear will make a return "" The hideout is a great place for the organization to be "" Not to mention that Easeion wants to be around Alice "" Alice has talked about being the villainess he needs " said Whites." Not to mention my cousin must get married "" He talks to me about how good looking Blackina is "" This marriage must happen, I am the best man "" Yes, it will happen " said Brett.More time ended up passing, Xax was talking with Easeion." I will create a distraction " said Easeion." I will make up so much shit at the trial "" Yeah, that sounds great " said Xax." The Bear will escape or many of us will do so "" Haha " said Easeion." I will make everyone there feel so sad "" Despair and terror will intensify within them "" Yes, they are history " said Xax." The others are ready " said Easeion." Hahahahaha "Blackin and Blackina were talking." We will combine our attacks, I wonder who will cause the distraction first " said Blackin." Any of our members will do it, I could see Easeion striking first " said Blackina." Same here, Easeion is a man who would do that " said Blackin." As lovers we must be free "" The Bear will make sure of that "" Yes " said Blackina." The organization stands with us as a couple always " said Blackin." They know how strong my desire for you is "" Our love is so strong "More time continued passing and then everyone went to bed.Chapter 10The Final Day Before The TrialCrayon and his friends got up and they then got ready.Crayon and Artby were talking." So the trial is tomorrow " said Crayon." It seems that way " said Artby." Bakers are counting on this, baking cannot be interfered with "" I love bakers "" Well, the Bear will likely be put in jail "" Yes, they must go there " said Artby." King Bobby says that he will watch the trial on television "" He will do that " said Crayon." He wants to invade Coastal Island apparently " said Artby." They are not a threat to Bird's Isle " said Crayon." That being said, this isn't our decision to make "" The islanders must be ready " said Artby." Bakers from there will be hurt, bakers cannot be hurt "" They have resources that the king wants " said Crayon." I wonder what resources they have " said Artby." We will find out " said Crayon." We should have breakfast "Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby had breakfast, they left the house later on.They then saw Warbler and Allie outside and the six of them were talking." So, what should we do today ? " asked Allie." We can train our techniques " said Warbler." Yeah, we haven't done much of that recently " said Colouruke." Challenger will probably join us " said Colourea." Bakers want us stronger " said Artby." They want tougher customers "" They want customers that will defend them "" They want bread to be eaten, being stronger would help if fights happen around there " said Warbler." Baking has done so much for me " said Artby." Yeah, we should head to our training area " said Colouruke.They headed there, Challenger then joined with them." Hello, good morning " said Challenger." Good morning, Challenger " they all said." Well, we will be training " said Challenger." You never know what will happen next "" That is true " said Colouruke." Bakers need us strong " said Artby." I cannot allow any baker to get hurt "" Time to begin " said Challenger.Challenger, Crayon, Colouruke, Colourea, Artby, Warbler and Allie started with their blasts. The power was growing." Glad to see " said Challenger." I blast for bakers " said Artby." My Heatwave Implosion is so strong now "" I will try to find a way to help bakers with it "" Uh, what " said Crayon." My techniques will help bakers " said Artby." Well we should use our bombs " said Challenger.The seven of them used their most powerful bombs and the power was insane." Good, we are still able to hit with so much power " said Challenger." Yeah, we are extremely strong " said Colouruke." The Ultimate Bird Bomb looks great here " said Allie." It sure does " said Warbler." Now, let's use our strikes " said Challenger.They then used their strikes and they struck with power." Excellent to see " said Challenger." These strikes are very strong "" That is good "" Yes, we have improved " said Allie." Me and Allie have gotten our techniques very strong " said Warbler." Now it is time for the barrage techniques to be used " said Challenger.They used their respective barrage techniques with power." Very good " said Challenger." Yeah, we have been getting stronger by a lot " said Colourea." Bakers have helped " said Artby." Bakers ? " asked Warbler." Yes, bakers have done so much here when we train " said Artby." When we train ? " asked Allie." Yes, our techniques are stronger thanks to baking " said Artby." We are so pumped, bread keeps me pumped "" I am so pumped, I love bakers "" Well, I am glad that you feel more ready to fight " said Challenger." Now, we must use our implosions "Crayon and his friends used their implosions and they hit each other, creating a huge explosion." Wow " said Crayon." Nice power " said Challenger." That is the training for today "" We should go to the bakery " said Artby." Bakers need to see me before the trial "" Let's go " said Colouruke.They then headed to the bakery where Artby started talking." This is a great time for bakers " said Artby." I love bakers "" The trial is tomorrow "" Yeah, it is a big deal " said a baker." Bakers will feel safer now " said Artby." I will be a guardian for any baker when I fight "" Guardian ? " asked Allie." Yes, I am a guardian for any baker out there " said Artby." All these bakers, I keep safe "" It is what I do now, I will not stop "" Well, we should get our bread " said Warbler." Our mouths need that and the bakers want the best for our mouths " said Artby.They then got their bread and left." Let's head to my place " said Challenger." Sounds good to me " said Colourea.The seven of them then headed there.Meanwhile Easeion and Xax were talking in jail." It is getting closer, my freedom is here " said Easeion." The Smithsons must be free "" Yes, all of us will be out of here for good " said Xax." It does make you love the hideout even more "" It sure does " said Easeion." My abilities will overwhelm everyone there "" We need a distraction, I will make a great one "" We will all do something great " said Xax." It will be a scene like no other " said Easeion." I will make everyone feel so sad hahahaha "" Yes, I remember those days " said Xax." The Bear will get the freedom they must have " said Easeion." I must be a free man, Alice wants that "" She has been the villainess I need, the Bear understands this "Blackin and Blackina were talking." Well, tomorrow is when we escape " said Blackin." Blackina, your body is too beautiful to be trapped in a place like this "" Thanks " said Blackina." Perhaps the two of us will cause a distraction " said Blackin." Well, it will be good for this to happen " said Blackina." My desire for you will never go away " said Blackin.Blackin and Blackina started kissing each other.Crayon and his friends were at Challenger's place." Well, now it is time to discuss the trial " said Challenger." Colourland Courthouse is the main courthouse here "" You all know where it is ? "" Yeah " said Crayon." It is not far from the QuackQ headquarters " said Colouruke." Good " said Challenger." I am glad to see "" This is a very important event for all of us " said Colourea." Bakers know what is at stake here " said Artby." They will want the Bear in jail "" Better baking will come to Colourland "" Better baking ? " asked Crayon." Yes, it will be here very soon " said Artby." Well, we should all meet up before we head to the courthouse " said Challenger." We can meet here at 9:45 am "" Sounds good " said Warbler." It would be a good idea to not stay up too late " said Challenger." Bakers want us resting well " said Artby." I had a baker in my dreams tell me about this "" Uh, what ? " asked Crayon." Yes, a baker told me that " said Artby." Bakers have conversations with each other in my dreams "" They talk about baking, my mouth, what bread does and what customers do for them "" Conversations ? " asked Colouruke." Yeah, I dream about bakers every night now " said Artby." I hear bakers talking a bit when I sleep "" Bakers ? " asked Allie." That is just something else " said Challenger." I think bakers know how much I love baking and they do this because of that " said Artby." My love of baking keeps growing "" Well, I am not sure what to believe here " said Crayon." Well, the trial will be a long one most likely " said Challenger." We must all be ready "" Well, we can eat everything we have now "They all ate and they enjoyed.Meanwhile Easeion and Xax were talking again." I can understand why they guard me this way " said Easeion." They know of my power and they know what it means to be Easeion Smithson which is why "" When you guard a man like Easeion, this always happens "" Well, yeah " said Xax." The two of us will make it out "" They will bring all Bear members to this trial "" The Bear will all do something " said Easeion." I will never forget the organization and what it has done for me "Whites and Brett were talking." So this is it " said Brett." Every Smithson will cause a distraction while the rest leave "" So you will fight everyone just as a family ? asked Whites." We will attack any non fighters there if they refuse " said Brett." The decision will be tough for them to deal with " said Whites." Have innocent people hurt or the Smithsons out of jail "" Yes, that does soind great for us " said Brett." Hahahaha "" I will be a great best man for Blackin " said Whites." He must marry Blackina "" Yeah, they must be married " said Brett." It will be a wonderful day for them, I must make sure that happens no matter what " said Whites." The Bear will make their ultimate escape "Time continued passing, Crayon and his friends left Challenger's place and then headed back home." I wonder how many years they will get " said Crayon." I am hoping that it is not too little " said Colourea." Bakers will not stand for that " said Artby." They didn't rape or murder anyone " said Colouruke." They might not get as much as we think "" All the stolen goods were returned I heard " said Crayon." Good " said Warbler." Yeah, that is good for the people of Colourland " said Allie." Well, we should head to our seperate houses " said Warbler." Sounds like a plan to me " said Allie.They went to their seperate houses, Warbler and Allie were talking." This trial will decide so much " said Warbler." The Bear haven't murdered anyone but they are very dangerous " said Allie." Yeah, they must go to jail " said Warbler." They might get more due to the threat they pose compared to other theives " said Allie." Yeah, I could see that " said Warbler." Well, time will tell " said Allie." It will, I love you a lot Allie " said Warbler." Same here " said Allie.Allie and Warbler started kissing each other.Meanwhile, Easeion was talking with Xax again." These guards understand my talent " said Easeion." A true Smithson is always guarded this way "" Uh, yeah " said Xax." The guards know my fighting, my fighting is never forgotten anywhere ever " said Easeion." Tournaments will demand my entry "" Well, we will be training when we get out of here " said Xax." My power will be even better, hahahaha " said Easeion." Tournaments need us, they crave our fighting "More time continued passing, Blackin and Blackina were talking." The Bear is this close " said Blackin." We will escape and get married " said Blackina." Your beauty is here " said Blackin." It will go nowhere, I love you so much Blackina "" Thanks " said Blackina.More time continued and it became time for bedtime. Everyone went to bed.Chapter 11The TrialCrayon and his friends got up early and they got ready." So this is the day that decides everything " said Colouruke." There will be so many people there, it will be truly something " said Crayon." Bakers will go " said Artby." Bakers want the Bear in jail, it is better for baking "" Baking cannot be interfered with "" The Bear did attack bakers in the past but baking will still happen " said Colourea." The Bear will spend time in jail most likely "" Easeion will cause a scene " said Crayon." It will not save him " said Colourea." That is true " said Colouruke.The four friends made their breakfast which they enjoyed.They then met up with Warbler and Allie after." Good morning " said Warbler." Good morning " they all said." Let's head to the courthouse " said Allie." Challenger will be there " said Warbler." Bakers will be there as well " said Artby." Baking is wonderful "The six of them then headed to the courthouse, they saw Challenger and Colour King with his officials." Glad you are all here " said Colour King." Glad to be here " said Crayon." This is very Colourlandish " said Colour King." The Bear is not what we need "" They have ruined people " said Colourclever." To think if we had lost the fight, this would not happen "" Our training paid off a lot " said Challenger." The case begins at 9:45 am " said Colour Queen." The Bear will all be there " said Colour Dictator." They will and they will end up going to jail " said Electro." Yes " said Oceanoke.Bryant, Jack and Amanda showed up." Long time no see " said Jack." It has been a while " said Crayon." This is a moment that Colourlandish will not forget " said Bryant." Everyone is watching this " said Amanda." It seems that we all want the same thing " said Challenger." Yes, at this time we do " said Colour King." Well, we had been not able to contact any of you due to our scheduling " said Jack." There has been a lot to do " said Bryant." Numerian gangs are no joke " said Amanda." These gangs are using drugs to control Numerians " said Jack." For now, we must focus on supporting the laws of Colourland " said Bryant." The Bear will be behind bars " said Jack." They sure will " said Colour Administrator." I wonder about these gangs " said Challenger." Same here " said Crayon." Maybe bakers will need protecting " said Artby." I am the type of customer that protects bakers "" Well, these gangs are not good " said Bryant." They have a kind of meth that can make people commit crimes "" Meth can do that ? " asked Allie." I have never heard of that " said Warbler." These gangs are full of drug dealers " said Jack." Colourlandish people could be targeted next "" You all may have to fight " said Amanda." First, we will see the Bear go to jail "" Yeah, if they do we will all celebrate " said Colourclever." All of Colourland must " said Colour Dictator." Colourlandish people have less to worry about but they must stand strong "It then became time for the trial and they all entered the courtroom.The judge then started to speak." We are here for the hearing against the Bear " said the judge." The Bear have stolen a lot and assaulted people according to many "" We will hear from them and others "" Many people here know them very well "Maxclever was the first to speak." We are like a family in a way " said Maxclever." We do so much for each other "" We live together "Willemease spoke next." Maxclever is a great buddy of mine here "" We have not harmed or hurt people "" We have made our lives better "The judge then was speaking." Our lives better you say ? " asked the judge." What about the lives of many Colourlandish people ? "Easeion was speaking next." As a Smithson, I will not plead guilty " said Easeion." My siblings do not deserve this, neither does my father "" The Smithsons deserve the best in life "" We are a proud family who have done nothing wrong "" I did no raping or pedophilia "" I will never do any pedophilia "" With the lack of pedophilia in the organization none of us should go to jail "The judge was speaking again." This has nothing to do with the lives of people being harmed " said the judge." Yes, pedophilia is a crime but you all have committed others "" There is a lot of evidence not in your favour "Xax was speaking next." My friend here is a good man " said Xax." He loves his family a lot "" We did not harm people here "" Crayon has lied to you "" It is part of his character "" Nobody has died, we have not done anything wrong "" Easeion is my bro "The judge was speaking again." You are right about nobody dying but people have been robbed " said the judge." Regardless if Crayon has a good character or not it does not change this "" Also there were assaults "" I will allow Crayon to speak who is here about this "Crayon then started speaking." The Bear stole a lot and assaulted a lot of people "" Hospitals were more full because of this "" They did refrain from murdering, raping and pedophilia but that does not mean what they did was right "" The Bear are not regular theives "" They have a lot of power and they are a threat "" I will not tell anyone how long they should be in jail "The judge was speaking again." Now, I would like to hear from Challenger and Colour King." First Challenger, after he is done then Colour King will speak "Challenger then started to speak." What Crayon is saying is true " said Challenger." The Bear have a lot of dangerous fighters "" They have the potential to do a lot of killing "" They harmed so many people before "" Being a strong fighter is not reason to arrest someone "" When you cause harm like this, you cannot be on the streets "" I know that you will make the right decision "Colour King then started speaking." We are too Colourlandish to allow this to continue "" People will have less, how could that be good for Colourland ? "" We need people in good condition "" Colourland needs people to not be hurt like this "" The Bear are a very dangerous gang, we had an intense fight with them "" If we cannot embarrass them, what will happen if they challenge our citizens to a fight ? "" For a long time I opposed Challenger a lot but now we must side together for the good of Colourland right now "The judge was talking again." So the two leaders recognize the threat that the Bear is " said the judge." Well, we will have Whites talk next and after him will be Brett "Whites was talking." My cousin is in love with Blackina so much " said Whites." He knows that we have done nothing wrong "" This is terrible for their relationship "" They must get married "Brett then was talking." My sons and my daughter did nothing wrong here " said Brett." The Bear has brought many people together "" That will not end "" We are united "The judge was then talking." So it seems that none of you believed you did anything wrong " said the judge." Well, we will continue talking to others "" I would like to hear from Blackin and Blackina "Blackin then started speaking." I am in love with Blackina " said Blackin." Everyone can see her beauty and the desire I have for her "" My feelings for her are very strong, nobody can love as much as me and nobody will "" We have not caused any harm, we are simply wanting to get married "" Our love is so strong, that matters so much "Blackina then started speaking." Blackin has shown time and time again how much he loves me "" Our relationship is not like other relationships "" Blackin loves my body, if we are in jail it is not good for the relationship "" I love Blackin, he has not hurt people or raped "The judge started speaking again." We have heard from a lot of people today "" I will make a decision soon "" It seems that the evidence against the Bear is strong "" However, a lack of murdering, raping or pedophilia will make it unlikely that the sentence will be extremely long "" We have heard from all Bear members that we feel we need to hear from "Time started to pass and it became time for a decision." I have made my decision "" The Bear will get "Easeion started charging an attack and he then blasted part of the wall.Everyone was looking at the damaged wall, Easeion was starting to escape." Easeion is gone " said the judge." He has escaped "" We will get him " said Crayon.Everyone then started chasing Easeion outside.Chapter 12The EscapeEaseion was ahead of them but could be seen." Hahahaha " said Easeion." Now, I will get away "He continued running, Crayon was the closest to catching him." You won't get away " said Crayon." Time to launch an attack "" If I don't, he may make it "Crayon was charging up energy, Easeion continued running.Blackin then appeared and he then was about to grab Crayon but Crayon got the attack off in time.Easeion was about to be hit, he jumped out of the way but the others had gotten closer to him." Give up " said Colour King." You cannot make it "" I will stay free " said Easeion." I'm not going to any jail "" This is what the Smithsons want "" I don't care about them, you will return to jail unless you want to face guaranteed harm " said Colour King.Easeion then kept running, Crayon and Colour King then started charging up their strikes. Easeion then started charging up his strike but to move faster and fast enough to just barely escape.Crayon and Colour King continued chasing Easeion, the other Bear members were caught and everyone else went back inside.An announcement was made." Easeion has escaped, he must be caught before this decision is finalized "" The others will stay in jail "Crayon and Colour King kept chasing down Easeion.Easeion was getting farther away from the courthouse." We need to strike him " said Colour King." When he is hit, then you can directly hit him with an implosion "" Yeah, let's do that " said Crayon.Easeion then saw people and then headed towards them." Hahahaha " said Easeion." They will have to choose between hurting innocent people or letting me escape "" This really is great for me "Colour King and Crayon saw Easeion mixed in with people." I know what he is planning " said Crayon." He wants us to hurt innocent people, I know it "" Well, we will find a way without that "Easeion then grabbed someone and shoved them towards Crayon, Crayon got out of the way." Hahahaha " said Easeion." I will make everyone here incredibly sad "Easeion then started charging up the Ultimate Lightning Edge, Crayon then started charging up the Tenfold Bird Strike. The lightning edge went towards people while Crayon used the strike to attempt to deflect it towards Easeion.Crayon and Easeion were both hit, people then left the area." Easeion, you won't escape " said Colour King." The two of us are too strong "" One of us individually are stronger, you won't survive "" I will make it " said Easeion." The Bear are counting on me "" It matters not " said Colour King." This is it, the Bear are finished as an organization "" Jail is where they are "" They will stay there, so you can all think about what you have done " said Crayon." Our law system is great " said Colour King." We will allow you to go to jail and we will take you there "" Or you can risk your end "" I wouldn't recommend it "" This is up to you, but I have beaten you three times " said Crayon." This is without a fighter with the ability of Colour King "" I just don't think this is a fight you can win "" The Smithsons must be free but fighting like this is something that happens for a reason "Easeion then started charging up the Disaster Implosion while Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion and Colour King started charging up the Colourland Implosion, the implosions collided with each other and the three of them were all hit.Colour King then got up first and grabbed Easeion and threw him down to the ground.Crayon and Easeion then both got up and were punching each other.After that, Colour King was charging the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Easeion was charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast to counter, they were both hit.Crayon then grabbed Easeion and then Crayon started charging energy in his hands, when Easeion got up he blasted Easeion with the energy." Easeion, it is not too late " said Crayon." You can still return to the jail "" This court case needs him returning to jail " said Colour King." Colourland is depending on this "" I will fight for the Smithsons " said Easeion." They are in jail " said Crayon." If you were to beat us, that would not change "" We do not want your death but you are not making things good for yourself by doing this " said Colour King." The Smithsons will be free " said Easeion." I don't see it " said Crayon." Well, let's continue "Easeion then started charging up the Ultimate Lightning Edge while Crayon started charging the Tenfold Heatwave Strike and Colour King started charging up the Tenfold Colourland Strike.The attacks landed and hit their respective targets.Easeion started charging up the Ultimate Disaster Bomb, Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb and Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb.The bombs then collided with each other and a dark, aerial, electric bomb explosion struck the three of them." I will prevail " said Easeion." I will think of the Bear members still locked up "" They mean so much, the members truly understood each other "Easeion and Colour King were punching each other. Crayon was then charging up the Bird Implosion. He then aimed it towards Easeion, who was hit directly.Easeion got up and started charging up the Ultimate Bear Blast while Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast, the blasts then collided and an explosion of dark energy happened.Easeion was struggling a little bit." Easeion, you must come with us " said Crayon." We will head back to the jail "" You are not going to beat us "" You cannot save the Bear members " said Colour King." I can save them " said Easeion." They will be saved "" You cannot break all of them out " said Colour King." There is no chance of that "" I believe in the Smithsons " said Easeion." I will not give up on them ever "" Well, they are in jail " said Crayon." They will stay there "" Colourlandish people want them there for what they did " said Colour King." As a brother, I'll never stand for them being there " said Easeion." Well then, we must keep fighting " said Crayon.The fight continued.Easeion then started charging up the Disaster Implosion while Colour King started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Blast while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast, the attacks collided with intense power.Easeion was really struggling." This cannot end " said Easeion." This has got to be a joke "" As a Smithson I must win "" It does not matter what family you are part of " said Colour King." You are not fighting well enough to stay out of jail "" You will join the Bear members there " said Crayon." I know you wanted me sad a lot in the past but this is about what is the best "" Bill and Tara want me free " said Easeion." As a brother, it must happen "" It will not " said Colour King." I will keep fighting " said Easeion." Being a Smithson means way too much, Brett knows this "" He is a father who understands this, he understands the son I am "" The son you are ? " asked Crayon." I don't really understand "" I have been a great son to him " said Easeion." When that happens, things like this must happen "" I will not let him down, no matter what "" I am not one of those weak, worthless fighters who quits for no reason "" I will give it everything "" We will do the same " said Colour King.The fight continued.Easeion then rushed Crayon with his Ultimate Lightning Edge which succeeded in hitting Crayon.Colour King then started charging up the Colourland Implosion while Easeion then grabbed Crayon, the two of them were trying to shake each other off. The two of them then were hit by the implosion.Colour King then started charging up the Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Easeion started charging up the Ultimate Disaster Blast, the attacks collided and they were both hit." I think we did it " said Crayon." Easeion was not strong enough " said Colour King." We should call the others "" I will call Challenger while you call the authorities " said Crayon.They made their respective calls and Easeion was taken back to the courtroom.The court then continued when everyone was back.The judge started speaking." Easeion tried to get away but he failed thanks to Crayon and Colour King "" We have made a decision, we will announce the years they are getting "" Nine years "" We don't usually give thieves who do not murder this long but due to the threat we do "The Bear were taken to their jail cells.The judge was dismissed, Colour King immediately contacted King Bobby." That is great " said King Bobby." We will celebrate " said Colour King." All the advisors will come with me to Colourland " said King Bobby." We must discuss the war "" Not to mention everything I have done for Warbler "" He is having sex with Allie and I take credit "" Yes " said Colour King." It is about 3pm now "" What day should the celebration be now ? " asked King Bobby." Two days from now " said Colour King." I will also bring big name warriors there " said King Bobby." Good " said Colour King." We will have lots to talk about there " said King Bobby." See you then " said Colour King." The celebration will start at 1 pm until the end of the day "Everyone left the building and all were talking outside." The celebration is in two days from now " said Colour King." It is at 1pm on that day "" Sounds good " said Crayon." Where will it be held ? " asked Colouruke." Everyone here will be invited of course " said Colour Queen." King Bobby and his advisors will go there " said Colour King." He is bringing warriors "" So there will be 50 or more there for the celebration ? " asked Challenger." Yes, there will " said Colour King." I will have some warriors there as well "" QuackQ will go " said Jack." Yes, us three will be there " said Bryant." We must go to broadcast what happened this evening " said Amanda." It really is a good day, Colourland does not need these crimes " said Jack.QuackQ then headed off.The others continued talking." Tomorrow we will train our moves " said Colour King." Yeah, we could use it " said Challenger." Bakers want us tougher " said Artby." We need to step up when it comes to saving a baker "" What if someone harms a baker "" We want to stay heroes around every baker "" Around every baker ? " asked Oceanoke." Yes, bakers need it " said Artby." Well, we could go there " said Challenger." Sounds good to me " said Crayon.Crayon, Challenger, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby, Warbler and Allie then headed to the bakery while the others said their goodbyes.They headed into the bakery where Artby started to talk." I love bakers " said Artby." I train to keep bakers safe "He thanked every baker and they got what they wanted and left." This looks great " said Colourea." We should head back to our places " said Warbler.Warbler, Allie and Challenger then headed back to their respective places.Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby were at their place." Well, it happened " said Crayon." The Bear are now in jail "" That is a lot of time for them to think about what they did " said Colouruke." They may try to break out any minute " said Colourea." We will keep training and we will be ready " said Colouruke." We have great bread " said Artby." Baking is on our side and not their side "" On our side ? " asked Crayon." Bakers are using their baking to side with us " said Artby." We are such good customers which is why they do this "" Well, we should enjoy eating this bread " said Colouruke.They enjoyed eating.Time was passing, QuackQ did a broadcast about the sentence against the Bear." This is great " said Jack." Colourlandish people will be happier than ever " said Bryant." These criminals are not what we need in Colourland " said Amanda." Nine years of them in jail is great for Colourland " said Jack." I feel more Colourlandish now " said Bryant." Now, we must focus on the gangs around here " said Amanda." They will force meth on people, especially Numerians " said Jack." They target Numerians more " said Bryant." Crayon and his friends can fight if necessary " said Amanda." Colour King's officials can also do the same " said Jack." I will not allow these gangsters to force meth on us " said Bryant." Maybe they are linked with the Bear in some way " said Amanda." Crayon can stop it " said Jack." Colourlandish people can see the celebration tomorrow at 1 pm " said Bryant." We have to go to a commercial break so stay tuned " said Amanda.Time kept passing, Warbler and Allie were talking." I love being around you so much " said Allie." Same here " said Warbler.Warbler and Allie started kissing each other and got into the bed together where they enjoyed each other.Meanwhile Easeion was talking with Xax." Fuck this man " said Easeion." I thought I could do it "" Yeah, this totally sucks bro " said Xax." The two of us should be in the hideout right now "" I am so angry right now as a Smithson " said Easeion." This cannot go on "" We will think of something " said Xax." Yeah, this angers me as a brother " said Easeion." I feel this is not good for any Bear member either "" Bill and Tara are not happy about this "" Yeah, none of us are " said Xax." The good thing is that Crayon and his friends left "More time continued passing, Crayon was talking with his friends." This is going to be a special day " said Colouruke." It sure will " said Crayon." We will train tomorrow " said Colourea." The day after will be something special " said Artby." My mouth has celebrated baking "" Celebrated baking ? " asked Crayon." My mouth has celebrated baking and bakers for making such tasty bread " said Artby." I love bakers, there is a serious connection between bakers and my mouth "" Connection ? " asked Colouruke confused." The way bakers love it " said Artby." If this is true there is one with everyone's mouth " said Crayon." Knowing the customers the bakers do truly love their mouths " said Artby." The bakers show it in a unique, special way "" Artby " said Colouruke." Yes Colouruke " said Artby." Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke." It is unique " said Artby." This is just something else " said Colourea." Our mouths are unique to every other customer " said Artby.Time continued passing and then everyone headed to bed. Crayon and Colourea were talking about how much they loved each other before that and kissed each other.This is the end of this section of this series, the next section is End of the Colourland Series which is the last one of all of Colourland.
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