Colourland Series 7: End Of The Series
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Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
This is the last section of this series and all of Colourland.Chapter 13Group TrainingEveryone got up.Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby were talking." It is a good day to get some training in " said Crayon." It sure is " said Colourea." Bakers need all the protection they can get " said Artby." I want to be known as a man who protects bakers and saves baking "" Saves baking ? " asked Colouruke." Yes, I want to save it " said Artby." When bakers were attacked by the Bear, it got me thinking "" The customer to baker connection must be kept safe "" When a customer does this for a baker, the baker loves them with baking "" Loves them with baking ? " asked Crayon." Yes, bakers do just that " said Artby." I love bakers "The four of them enjoyed breakfast which they made.Meanwhile Blackin and Blackina were talking." This disappoints me " said Blackin." We love each other so much "" My love for you is so strong "" It sure is " said Blackina." The other members must be infuriated " said Blackin." I heard Easeion was "Blackin and Blackina kissed each other.Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby met Warbler and Allie outside." Good morning " said Warbler and Allie." Good morning " said the other four." So we are training today " said Warbler." Yeah " said Crayon." I am getting a call from Challenger now "Crayon answered his phone." Hello, Challenger " said Crayon." Crayon, glad to see you " said Challenger." We will be joining Colour King and his officials today "" Our training spot is a huge area so we should be fine "" Sounds good " said Crayon." See you there " said Challenger.The six resumed talking." Colour King and his officials will join us " said Crayon." They know about bakers " said Artby." Bakers ? " asked Allie." Yeah, we have a giant group that can protect so many bakers " said Artby." We should get going "They continued heading to the training area while King Bobby was talking with Blackburnian." We are going to Colourland today " said King Bobby." We will see Challenger and Colour King there "" I will talk about Warbler at the celebration "" I will be happy to see him again " said Blackburnian." Warriors from Colourland are going there "" Yeah, we will talk with them about the war " said King Bobby." They will get to bring resources to Bird's Isle "" Bird's Isle will be better thanks to this great war "" Warriors are so happy getting to fight, I havd given them an opportunity like this "" They will not forget it ever "" We must have dating sites like ours in Colourland " said Blackburnian." Thanks to us Warbler and Allie have done it "" I take credit for that always " said King Bobby." It is a shame they did not join this war "" We still must celebrate the Bear in jail "" Blackin made a lot of false claims that were not true "The two of them met up with advisors, Grackle and Dove were talking." This celebration is somewhere we should go " said Grackle." Yeah, we totally should do that " said Dove." It is going to have a lot of people there " said Grackle." I heard that Crayon and his friends are going to be with Colour King and his officials " said Dove." Colour King seems different in a way " said Grackle." Yeah, the hate for Challenger went away just like that " said Dove." Well, I think that he realized the threat of the Bear " said Grackle." With Brett and Blackin fighting together it would be difficult without them siding with each other to be honest " said Dove." I wonder if it will last " said Grackle." It will for the celebration, after that I am not sure " said Dove." Well, we should get going " said Grackle.Grackle and Dove headed to the airport. King Bobby and his advisors did the same.Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby, Warbler and Allie met up with Challenger who was with Colour King and his officials." There are a lot of us today " said Challenger." This is a great day to be training hard "" It really is " said Colour King." We must be ready for what is next "Everyone then used their blasts first with tons of power." Very good " said Oceanoke." It seems that I am stronger "" Yes, we will fight against any of these gangs easily " said Electro." There are gangsters who are influencing Numerians " said Colour King." These gangs are not good for Colourland " said Colourclever." We will now use our bombs " said Challenger." Bakers would love that " said Artby." I explode for the baker "Everyone then used their bombs with intense power." That was very strong " said Colour Administrator." Now, if the Bear somehow got out it would be easier to win " said Colour Dictator." The jail is too much for them " said Colourclever." Easeion will not deal with this well "" Yes, I could see that " said Crayon." Well, we must continue " said Challenger." We will use our strikes now "Everyone used their strikes with lots of power." Nice " said Allie." We have come a long way " said Warbler." Bakers have helped with that " said Artby." Bakers want that "" They want customers who can fight, protect and purchase "" Fight ? " asked Colour Administrator." The training is training bakers want from us " said Artby." In the bakeries, they are using their wisdom to show this "" Never seen any wisdom like that " said Warbler." Same here, how could a baker use wisdom that way " said Allie." They are that wise " said Artby." Wisdom is within the baker, the wisdom is then transferred into the mind which makes for the baking we have witnessed "" Well, I think we should use our barrages next " said Challenger." Yes, bakers want all of this " said Artby." I love bakers "Everyone started using their barrages with intense power." Lots of power here " said Colouruke." Yeah, it is great to use this kind of power " said Colourea." Crayon has shown power here " said Artby." This is a time to talk about his taste buds "" Taste buds ? " asked Warbler." I remember Artby talking about this before "" Why his taste buds ? " asked Colourclever." They have a huge impact when he fights " said Artby." You saw what they did "" They are on his tongue and help him taste " said Colourclever." I just do not see this "" Well we should use our implosions " said Challenger.Everyone used their implosions, the power was absolutely insane." Wow " said Colourea." Yeah, so much power here " said Allie." I feel so strong " said Colouruke." Bakers want strength " said Artby." We will destroy any enemy who tries anything " said Colour King." These gangs I am hearing about will not be shown mercy "" Yes, fuck them " said Colour Dictator." They will crumble " said Colour Queen." We will all see each other for the celebration tomorrow " said Electro." Yeah, it will be a great one " said Oceanoke." Well, that is all the training " said Challenger." We will see all of you tomorrow " said Colourclever." It is our time to go " said Colour Administrator." Bakers are being celebrated tomorrow " said Artby." They are loved so much, we all love them "" Well, we could go to the bakery " said Challenger." Yeah that sounds good to me " said Colouruke.Colour King and his officials said their goodbyes, the seven friends then headed to the bakery.Artby started talking." There is a celebration tomorrow " said Artby." Yeah, I heard about it " said a baker." They are celebrating the Bear spending a long time in jail "" I celebrate bakers " said Artby." They do so much "" Customers respect the baker, customers understand the baker and customers love the baker "" Well, we are getting a lot here " said Allie.They got their bread and left." This bread looks great " said Warbler." It sure does " said Allie." We have a lot we can do with this " said Colouruke." Yeah for sure " said Crayon." That training felt great " said Allie." Yeah, anyone who faces us will have a hard time " said Colourea." Bakers want that " said Artby." Bakers want us winning fights "" That is something they like in a customer "" They do ? " asked Warbler." Yeah " said Artby.The seven of them then headed to their respective houses.Warbler and Allie were talking." This celebration will be something, King Bobby is returning " said Warbler." Well, we did not support the war he wanted " said Allie." I'm not sure how things will go "" Since it is a celebration it should be okay " said Warbler." That dating site was good of him I will say "" True " said Allie." Well, we will see how things go there " said Warbler.Meanwhile Brett was talking to Whites." This is terrible " said Brett." Yes, I could have been a great best man for Blackin " said Whites." My great cousin deserves a great wedding like the one we planned "" Maybe during the celebration we will pull something " said Brett." Yeah, that would be a good idea " said Whites." They would never expect it "" That is for sure, my sons and my daughter must be free " said Brett." As a father, this must happen "" As a Smithson this must happen "" Yes, the Bear deserves the best for the organization "" This truly is an organization like no other " said Whites." It sure is " said Brett.Meanwhile Melissa and Alice were talking." Well, this is very unfortunate " said Melissa." The Bear needed that wedding " said Alice." Easeion and me have something now "" Yeah, he truly has done a lot of good " said Melissa." Well, we are here now unfortunately and we must accept it " said Alice." There are no Bear members free to break us out "" Easeion was not able to get away "" Yeah, that is a shame " said Melissa.QuackQ were doing a broadcast." Tomorrow is the big day " said Jack." It sure is " said Bryant." It is a very Colourlandish thing " said Amanda." Many great Colourlandish will be there " said Jack." Colourlandish people will not forget " said Bryant." King Bobby, Colour King and Challenger will all be there " said Amanda." Not to mention us "" The three leaders are so strong now, with their differences put aside they cannot be stopped " said Jack." Numerians will not start anything against them " said Bryant." Vasco would have to break out the Bear but he wouldn't do that " said Amanda." If he did, then Numerians would be seen as criminals " said Jack." Well, Numerian criminals are different " said Bryant." Yes there is more of a drug element to what they are doing " said Amanda." Colourland has never been so peaceful for this long for a while now " said Jack." Well the Bear is behind bars where they belong " said Bryant." King Bobby will talk about Coastal Island " said Amanda." I heard some Colourlandish will go assist Bird's Isle " said Jack." It will be a fight that is not difficult and will boost resources to Bird's Isle " said Bryant." Bird's Isle will be even better and more tourism will happen " said Amanda." Crayon could end up fighting more criminals " said Jack." Him and his friends have gotten so strong now " said Bryant." These drug dealers will be history for sure " said Amanda." We have to go to a commercial break so stay tuned " said Jack.More time continued passing, Crayon was talking with Colourea alone." Colourea, this is going to be very special " said Crayon." It is " said Colourea." I am very glad to be around you "" Same here " said Crayon." I love you " said Colourea." I love you a lot " said Crayon." Now, since all these threats are dealt with it will be better "" I wonder if Challenger will have us do something different " said Colourea." Our abilities are very strong "" Maybe we could enter tournaments around the world " said Crayon." Yeah, with those world leaders not fighting we can win " said Colourea." King Bobby will talk about the war I am sure "" Yeah, it will be a day full of a lot " said Crayon.Crayon and Colourea started kissing each other and joined each other in the bed.Colouruke and Artby were talking." Crayon is happy sexually, I have not talked about this for a while " said Artby." Why now ? " asked Colouruke." I feel happy for them as a friend " said Artby." Isn't that what a baker would want from me ? "" I'm not sure what a baker would want but they are happy together " said Colouruke." Bakers want customers happy, they are great people " said Artby." Yes, but I am not sure what that has to do with Crayon sexually " said Colouruke." Well, the celebration will be great to see "" Yeah, it sure will " said Artby.Time continued to pass and then eventually everyone went to bed.Chapter 14Before the CelebrationEveryone got up and then got ready." This day will be great " said Colourea." Bakers will want that " said Artby." Bakers will be there talking about our purchases "" Purchases ? " asked Crayon." Yeah, they know about the bread we have bought " said Artby." Bakers have baked so much tasty bread, Colourlandish people know what they have done for our mouths "" The mouths of the Colourlandish people are transformed "" Transformed, what the fuck " said Colouruke." Yes, it does seem odd at first but it is true " said Artby." Well, we should eat " said Crayon.They then were eating their breakfast, Challenger was contacted by Colour King." Challenger, you are ready for this aren't you ? " asked Colour King." Yes, I am ready " said Challenger." There will be an insane number of people " said Colour King." King Bobby will be there "" We will meet outside the place and talk "" Yeah, sounds like a plan to me " said Challenger." He will talk about the war " said Colour King." He knows the power of wars very well "" Coastal Island has resources that he wants "" He wants metals and other materials from there "" He plans to build more on Bird's Isle ? " asked Challenger." Yeah, he most certainly does want to do this " said Colour King." I see " said Challenger." Not to mention there is food that can be transferred to Bird's Isle " said Colour King." This will leave them with nothing won't it ? " asked Challenger." Yes, but that is not a concern for us to have " said Colour King." They will be left with nothing and they will be forced to come to Bird's Isle or Colourland "" You will see me soon "Challenger and Colour King said their goodbyes to each other.King Bobby was talking with Queen Starling." So, we will see Challenger and Colour King today " said King Bobby." Not to mention Warbler "" I will be given credit for the relationship with Allie "" Well, yes " said Queen Starling." Sex has happened thanks to me and Blackburnian " said King Bobby." Everyone will know of this and our dating site will be so popular "" Others have used it "" Yes, we will talk about it at the celebration " said Queen Starling.Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby then met up with Warbler and Allie outside." Good morning " said Warbler." Good morning " the others said." We should head together to meet Challenger first " said Allie." Yeah, that sounds like a plan to me for sure " said Artby." Bakers would like that, bakers love Challenger a lot "They then headed to meet Challenger, meanwhile Easeion was talking with Xax." So this is the day that they are celebrating our defeat " said Easeion." I am infuriated beyond belief "" Especially as a Smithson, not just as a Bear member "" Yeah, this totally sucks " said Xax." Unfortunately this is what the judge decided "" Fuck him, bro " said Easeion." I want to be in the hideout "" Well, they can have their fun celebrating us being here " said Xax." We will break out of here "" Every Bear member will be together again " said Easeion." Yeah, it will just take time " said Xax.Challenger met up with Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby, Warbler and Allie." Glad we are all here " said Challenger." Same here " said Colouruke." This will be a very special day " said Allie." It sure will " said Warbler." I wonder what King Bobby will say at the celebration "" Probably more about what he has done for people sexually and about the war " said Crayon." Well we should head to Colour King now " said Challenger." After that, we will head to the celebration "" Colour King is not far away from the celebration " said Crayon." That is true " said Colourea.The seven of them headed towards Colour King who was with his officials." So we are all here now " said Colour King." That is good "" This day is a day that Colourlandish people will remember for a long time " said Colour Dictator." Yeah, they won't forget " said Colourclever." King Bobby is approaching " said Colour Administrator." We haven't seen him for a while " said Electro." He has a lot to talk about " said Oceanoke." Not to mention, so do we "" Yeah, the war that he has started " said Colour Queen." Warriors from here want to join "" They must contact the king "" Coastal Island is not particularly strong " said Challenger." I am not sure that King Bobby would need assistance or not "" Well, he wants people from Colourland to fight since he is not sending everyone to fight " said Colour King." He has claimed no casualties will happen "" He says there will be more wars in the future, he plans to expand Bird's Isle "" Where does he plan to expand ? " asked Colouruke." He plans to take the resources and expand based on what they have " said Colour King." He will talk about it "King Bobby and his advisors arrived." Well, this is good " said King Bobby." In the past I opposed Crayon and his friends "" Well not Warbler and Allie "" Now things have changed, if we can all side together we cannot be stopped "" The war will be discussed at the celebration "" Everyone will hear about this great war "" Crayon, you may not end up fighting but resources will go to Colourland if any warriors fight "" Well, that will change a lot " said Colourclever." These islanders are not strong so getting these resources will not be difficult "" Challenger has said that he will not interfere "" I assume the same goes to all friends of Crayon and himself ? "" Yes " said Crayon." While we may not see the need to fight against an island that is not a threat the king has made his decision now "" Lord Grackle has chosen to not fight but the rest of us will fight " said Diana." Warbler, my brother " said Blackburnian." Resources will expand Bird's Isle "" There are metals there we can use, we will need to expand the factories because of this "" Not to mention with all the food that we will take " said Curtis." You are taking their food ? " asked Colourea." You are aware of what that will do for Bird's Isle aren't you ? " asked Curtis." Yes " said Colourea." There will be more food for Bird's Isle " said Curtis." These islanders do nothing for the king "" They are no match for us " said Draco." Not to mention Colourlandish warriors are joining us "" Yeah, it will be great to have that happen " said Queen Starling.Grackle and Dove arrived." Glad to see you two " said Colourea." It has been a while " said Grackle." I heard of the defeat of the Bear " said Dove." Yeah, we gave them a great asskicking " said Artby." Bakers wanted an asskicking so we gave one "" Bakers wanted an asskicking ? " asked Dove." Yeah, they did " said Artby." Well, the Bear is now in jail so things will be better here " said Grackle." It is great to be here together " said Dove." It really is " said Crayon." We have been training " said Grackle." We feel stronger " said Dove." Well now it seems that we are all getting extremely strong " said King Bobby.Chapter 15The Celebration, Part 2Time continued to pass and everyone was at Colourland Square.The organizer then started speaking.Today, we are here to celebrate and honour everyone here today "" We have King Bobby, Queen Starling, Grackle, Dove, warriors and the advisors to the king from Bird's Isle here "" Crayon and his friends are joined by Colour King and his officals as well "" The group of Colourlandish defeated the Bear, they were charged and given 9 years "" This is great for Colourland "" We will have tons of people speak today "" First Colour King and Challenger will speak "Colour King and Challenger started to speak." We are here on a great day " said Challenger." We took down the Bear " said Colour King." Now people do not have to worry about their crimes any longer "" Colourland is safer now "" I look forward to these days "" Me and Challenger used to oppose each other "" We fought against each other but a decision needed to be made "" Now thanks to this decision, the Bear are behind bars where they belong "" Yes, our combined power was way too strong " said Challenger." The Bear is a giant organization "" The judge understood this "" It was a very Colourlandish thing to do " said Colour King." We have all stayed Colourlandish, something the Bear did not do "" All of you here today should be proud of that "" When we fight more, we get much stronger "" So, I am proposing some battles "" What battles ? " asked Challenger." Challenger have you fought Crayon ? " asked Colour King." No " said Challenger." Well that would be a very intense fight " said Colour King.The organizer started talking." Now King Bobby and Queen Starling have some things to say now "King Bobby and Queen Starling started to speak." Glad to be here in Colourland " said King Bobby." Me and Colour King go way back "" Now, I have declared war against Coastal Island "" Warriors have gotten an opportunity to fight "" Three months from now, the war starts "" The king has made another decision involving the war " said Queen Starling." He says that Colourland will get some resources if anyone from there joins this war "" He will take everything from the island "" Bird's Isle will take more since more from Bird's Isle will fight "" This is a great opportunity " said King Bobby." Never forget this "" There is a limit on warriors from Colourland we are taking "" So it is urgent you sign up as soon as you can "The organizer started speaking again." Next Blackburnian and Diana have things to say.Blackburnian and Diana started talking." The dating site we created will have a Colourlandish counterpart " said Blackburnian." King Bobby knows of what has happened to my brother sexually "" The king has said that because of this, that Colourland needs this site " said Diana." He wants people who support these wars to be together "" He wants these couples " said Blackburnian." He believes it is better this way "The organizer started speaking." Now, Crayon and his friends will speak " said the organizer.Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby were speaking." We have trained very hard " said Crayon." We used our abilities to our best " said Colourea." I will fight against Challenger " said Crayon." We will decide a date for this fight "" Bakers help in fights " said Artby." Bakeries mean so much to this country "" I love baking "" Well, we will continue training " said Colouruke." Yeah, for sure " said Colourea." Bakers want us training " said Artby." Bakers want a customer that can protect them "" Bakers need protection "The organizer started speaking again." Now it is time for Draco and Rourke to speak "Draco and Rourke started to speak." This war is something special " said Rourke." It sure is " said Draco." Our warriors are here with us "" Yes, they are truly great " said Rourke." This war will bring so much for Bird's Isle "" I hope to see some Colourlandish warriors with us "The speech ended, time passed and the event was over.Everyone was talking." For this fight, what day should it be ? " asked King Bobby." We should fight tomorrow " said Challenger." Good idea " said Crayon." We will stay here in Colourland for that " said King Bobby." We would all like to see that "" It is three months away so I will give people a month "" There are limited spots " said Queen Starling." So sign up as soon as you can "" I wonder who we are getting " said Salvador." We will get great warriors " said Paula." This war will not be difficult " said Lord Grackle." Bird's Isle will be expanded " said King Bobby." It will be great this way " said Blackburnian." Not to mention what we are doing for dating " said King Bobby." If I can be responsible for Warbler and Allie having sex then imagine the possibilities "" You are taking credit for them doing it ? " asked Dove." Well, I must give Blackburnian credit as well " said King Bobby." Warbler has turned on people "" Not sure what that has to do with you or Blackburnian though ? " asked Grackle." Warbler was lonely at the time, I have changed him sexually " said King Bobby." Grackle, I suggest you understand me "" Well, this is starting to get out of hand " said Challenger." I have done so much for dating " said King Bobby." People will not forget, Warbler will never forget this at all "" The relationship is great " said Curtis." King Bobby plans to have more like this "" Well, I will see many of you at the fight tomorrow " said King Bobby.King Bobby headed with the queen and his advisors while Colour King and his officials headed together out of there.The nine of them remaining left and they were talking." You two fighting will be intense " said Dove." Yeah, it will be a great fight " said Grackle." Bakers want this intensity " said Artby." We will get stronger, bakers want us super strong "" Bakeries will be so protected "" Customers can save bakers "" Save bakers ? " asked Crayon." Save bakers from what ? " asked Dove." Enemies that they face " said Artby." It is harder to bake because of this "" The Bear are gone now " said Grackle." I think that bakers will be fine "" They bake for our mouths, I will give them protection always " said Artby." Our mouths mean so much to bakers, bakers have truly loved our mouths "" Well, we could go to the bakery " said Challenger.They then headed to the bakery where Artby started talking." This is Grackle and Dove " said Artby." They need their mouths loved and cared for "" Cared for ? " asked a baker." Yes, their mouths are very important to me " said Artby." As a friend, I must do this "They got their bread and left.They then all headed for Challenger's place." Well, we have a lot of catching up to do " said Grackle." Yeah, we haven't seen each other for a bit " said Crayon." How are things in Bird's Isle ? "" Good for now " said Dove." That is good " said Allie." The king wants to take food from Coastal Island " said Grackle." Why ? " asked Colouruke." I think it is part of this expansion for Bird's Isle he wants " said Dove." People starving is not a good thing " said Crayon." The king is putting Bird's Isle over other nations it seems " said Colouruke." That being said, this is going too far "" Yeah, this war is very insane " said Challenger." We cannot interfere " said Allie." If the king finds out, it will be terrible "" Yes, we will keep this from him " said Grackle." Well, I am glad we are all together here " said Dove." Same here " said Warbler." The king has taken credit for our relationship "" The dating site was created by him and Blackburnian but we are the ones that made the relationship last "" He has taken credit for sex " said Allie." The king is that way " said Challenger." I don't want him to starve other nations but Colourlandish warriors are going so I cannot intervene "" He is planning on giving some resources to Colourland of what is taken "" Yeah, I can see people going for that " said Challenger.Time continued passing and they all headed to their respective places.Everyone ate supper and then went to bed.Chapter 16Before Crayon and Challenger FightCrayon and his friends got up." So this is it " said Crayon." Yeah, good luck out there " said Colouruke." Crayon, I love you a lot " said Colourea." Thanks Colourea " said Crayon." Bakers want this fight " said Artby." They want this so much "" They do ? " asked Crayon.They then got ready and ate their breakfast, meanwhile Blackin and Blackina were talking." We must break out " said Blackin." You are too beautiful to be locked up like this "" Yes, thank you " said Blackina." I love you "" Thanks, I do as well " said Blackin." Our relationship cannot end "" Our love is so strong "The two of them embraced.Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby then saw Warbler and Allie outside." Good morning, let's head to our training spot " said Warbler." I hope all of you are doing good " said Allie." Bakers always make sure of this " said Artby." Challenger and the others will be there " said Allie." Let's go " said Crayon.The six of them headed to the training spot and they saw Challenger and Colour King." Good morning " said Colourea." Same to you two " said Challenger and Colour King." This fight will be so intense " said Colour King." It sure will " said Crayon." Baking causes intensity in fighting " said Artby." Not to mention how pumped I am "" Baking ? " asked Colour King." Artby believes baking does this ? "" Yes " said Colouruke." Not just baking, but baking helps " said Artby." I see a bunch of people heading for here "King Bobby and his advisors, the rest of Colour King's officials with Grackle and Dove showed up." This is quite the group " said Challenger." First, I must say something " said King Bobby." We will take food "" Food ? " asked Challenger." Yes, they have a great supply " said King Bobby." There are some huge crops " said Queen Starling." You are taking from their farms ? " asked Colourea." We can give some of it to Colourland " said Diana." People from Coastal Island will have a choice to make " said Lord Grackle." They can live in Bird's Isle with our boosted resources and an expanded island or they can have nothing "" I wonder how this will go " said Crayon." Very well for Bird's Isle " said Colour King." Not to mention, Colourland will be better thanks to this war "" This war is such a good opportunity " said King Bobby." Warriors love fighting "" They love every second of it "" This war will be remembered and none of the warriors fighting against Coastal Island will die "" No deaths ? " asked Dove." Has that happened before ? " asked Grackle." I will make history and so will the warriors " said King Bobby." There is nothing we cannot accomplish "" We are truly powerful "" Well the fight between Challenger and Crayon is about to start " said Queen Starling." Yes it is " said Diana." Challenger, you ready for this ? " asked Crayon." I am Crayon " said Challenger." Let's do this " said Crayon." Bakers want this fight " said Artby.Chapter 18Challenger vs Crayon Part OneThe fight began.Crayon and Challenger aimed their punches at each other, then aimed their kicks at each other.Crayon then started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Blast, the blasts collided with power and they were both hit.Challenger got up and he grabbed Crayon and then knocked him down.Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb while Crayon then started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb, the bombs collided with tons of power and they were both hit.People were talking." Challenger seems to have the edge " said Colour King." Baking will play a role soon " said Artby." Bakers and fighters have this special history "" History ? " asked Dove." Yes, there is a history of fighters going to the bakeries " said Artby." Bakers have seen this and because of this, bakers love fighters "" They love the money they have " said King Bobby." I do not see fighters in general going to bakeries all the time "" You go there but not everyone does "The fight continued.Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Barrage while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Barrage to counter, the attacks hit their targets.Crayon and Challenger then were punching each other and they both struck punches directly.Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb. The attacks collided with power and they were both hit by the attacks directly.Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Blast while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb, the attacks then collided with each other with power and they were both hit.Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Barrage while Challenger started charging up the Tenfold Electrocution Strike, the attacks collided head on and they both fell to the ground." So, your power has gotten great " said Challenger." You never know what is next "" That is true " said Crayon." I will make sure I am ready "" Well, let's continue " said Challenger.The fight continued.Challenger started charging up the Electrocution Implosion while Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion, the implosions collided with so much power.Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast while Crayon countered with his own, they were both hit directly.Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb while Crayon started charging up his own to counter, they were both directly hit to the ground.People were talking." Crayon seems stronger " said Oceanoke." He may just win the fight " said Electro." His power has grown so much " said Colourclever." He will be so strong in a few years "" Coastal Island will fall " said King Bobby." With advisors like me fighting that is for sure " said Curtis.The fight continued.Challenger rushed Crayon with the Tenfold Heatwave Strike while Crayon started charging up the Tenfold Heatwave Strike to counter the attack. The two of them were struck down to the ground." You have gotten great power " said Challenger." Thanks " said Crayon." We must keep using power like this " said Challenger." For sure " said Crayon.Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Barrage while Challenger started charging up his own, they both hit with power and they were both struck.Challenger and Crayon aimed punches at each other which landed, then they aimed kicks at each other which also landed as well.Challenger started charging up the Heatwave Implosion while Crayon started charging up his own to counter, they were both struck down to the ground with power.People were talking." So it looks like Crayon does have a chance " said Colour King." It does " said Colourclever." If he were to win this, then his power has improved beyond belief " said King Bobby." I wonder if there will be another tournament some day " said Queen Starling." Yeah, that would be something " said Curtis." The war will need us at our best " said Diana." Yeah, that is true " said Blackburnian." We will give it everything " said Paula." Our power is too much for Coastal Island " said Salvador." Yeah, they will be crushed " said Rourke.The fight continued.Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast to counter, the blasts collided with power.Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Bomb while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb, the bombs collided and they were both hit.Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Barrage while Challenger used the Ultimate Heatwave Barrage to counter, they were both hit directly.Crayon started rushing Challenger with the Tenfold Bird Strike while Challenger used the Tenfold Heatwave Strike to counter the attack, they were both hit." Great techniques " said Challenger." Thanks " said Crayon." No problem, let's keep fighting " said Challenger.Challenger then started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Blast while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast, the blasts collided with force and they were both hit.Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb to counter, they were both directly hit.Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb to counter, they were both struck.Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb, the attacks collided and they were both hit.Chapter 19Crayon vs Challenger Part TwoPeople were talking." I can see that baking's effect has kicked in " said Artby." How so ? " asked Colouruke." Look at the blasts and bombs here " said Artby." Baking is involved "" I love baking "" Baking ? " asked Colour King." I don't see it "" Artby loves bread a lot " said Warbler." Yes, but this is about power " said Colour King." That is true " said King Bobby." This fight could go either way "" It is a great fight "" Yeah, it is " said Queen Starling." Crayon may surpass Challenger "" He has the power to do so " said Colourea.The fight continued.Challenger started charging up the Electrocution Implosion while Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion to counter, the attacks collided with power.Challenger rushed Crayon with the Tenfold Electrocution Strike while Crayon used the Tenfold Bird Strike to counter and they were both hit.Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Electrocution Blast while Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Bird Blast to counter, the blasts hit their respective targets.Crayon and Challenger aimed punches and kicks at each other which landed." Well, we have both taken a fair bit of damage " said Challenger." Yeah, we both have done that " said Crayon." I have to give a lot of credit here " said Challenger." Thanks, let's keep fighting " said Crayon.Crayon and Challenger started charging up their Heatwave Implosions, they both hit with tons of power.Crayon started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Blast while Challenger started charging up the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb, the attacks collided and they both took damage.Crayon rushed Challenger with the Tenfold Heatwave Strike while Challenger used his own to counter, they were both hit.People were talking." Wow, this fight is insane " said Electro." It sure is, Electro " said Oceanoke." I think that we will be near the end soon " said Colour Administrator." Bakers will want us all going to the bakery " said Artby." They love my purchases "" Um, okay " said Oceanoke." We can all be customers there " said Artby." Well, we can head there after this fight " said Colouruke.The fight continued.Challenger started charging up the Electrocution Implosion while Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion to counter, the attacks collided with tons of power.Crayon was slightly struggling." I have more to give " said Crayon." Glad to see " said Challenger." Give it your all "" I will " said Crayon.Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion while Challenger started charging up the Heatwave Implosion to counter,they were both hit.Challenger was slightly struggling, people were talking." So now the finish is just here " said Oceanoke." I think Challenger will win " said King Bobby." Crayon could make a comeback here " said Colour King." Yeah, I could see it " said Colourclever." I think Challenger will win " said Blackburnian." That being said, Crayon really gave it his all "" He sure did " said Diana." Bakers have done a lot for both of them " said Artby." Not to mention their mouths "" Mouths ? " asked Colouruke." Yes, their mouths have been transformed by baking " said Artby." I expect to see more of these transformations "" Artby " said Colouruke." Yes Colouruke " said Artby." Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke." More mouth transformations ? "" With Artby you never know " said Warbler." Warbler's mouth has changed " said Artby." Like, I said what the fuck " said Colouruke." Bakers are true heroes for it " said Artby." I love bakers, bakers love my purchases "" I will head to the bakery later "" Our mouths deserve the best "Crayon and Challenger were talking." I am impressed here " said Challenger." It seems that you are showing a lot of skill "" I think you will surpass me someday "" Thanks, I have trained hard " said Crayon." We will have a great finish "" We sure will " said Challenger.The fight continued.Challenger started charging up the Heatwave Implosion while Crayon started charging up his own to counter the attack. They were both hit.Crayon was getting near the end." This really has been a great fight " said Crayon." We are both very close to the end " said Challenger." In the future, we will have people fight against each other like this "" Yeah, that would be good " said Crayon." Give it everything " said Challenger." I will " said Crayon.Crayon started charging up the Bird Implosion while Challenger started charging up the Electrocution Implosion, the implosions had hit with so much power.They were both down but Challenger got up first and was declared the winner.Crayon got up later, the two of them were talking." That was a great fight " said Challenger." It was " said Crayon." We will fight again someday " said Challenger." Yeah, we will " said Crayon." First, we should both get rested up " said Challenger." The rest of you will make your own way back "" We will be at the airport to see the ones from Bird's Isle leave tomorrow morning "" Sounds good to me " said Crayon.Crayon and Challenger headed to their respective places and got a lot of rest. While that was happening, the others were talking." So Crayon got that close " said King Bobby." I wonder if him and Colour King are the same in fighting ability "" Colour King is very powerful " said Colour Queen." Yes, that is true " said Colourclever." Maybe Challenger has a harder time fighting Crayon than Colour King does ? " asked Colour Dictator." It is very hard to say " said King Bobby." This shows that we all need to keep training "" That is for sure " said Artby." Bakers want that "" Well, we could go to the bakery " said Allie.Allie, Grackle, Dove, Artby, Colouruke, Colourea and Warbler said goodbye to the others and they headed to the bakery.Artby thanked every baker and began to talk." I love bakers so much " said Artby." They are so amazing as people "" I love your baking, it is baking that has helped my mouth be the mouth it is today "" Uh, thanks " said a baker.They got their bread and left, they were talking." Crayon has gotten really strong now " said Dove." Challenger beat him by very little " said Grackle." Yeah, I think he is stronger than King Bobby now " said Dove." Yeah, I could see that " said Warbler." We must continue our training " said Dove." For sure " said Grackle." You never know what could happen " said Allie." I don't know if Coastal Island's leader will come to Bird's Isle " said Grackle." Yeah, I don't know how strong she is " said Warbler." What is her name ? " asked Colouruke." Ariel " said Warbler." She will come to Bird's Isle very angry "" She knows about this war "" Maybe King Bobby is planning that " said Allie." Possibly " said Grackle." Coastal Island are not a threat to Bird's Isle now " said Dove." Challenger does not support the war but he will not interfere "" Yeah, that sounds about right " said Colourea." Resources will come here " said Colouruke." There is a cost to it "" King Bobby is sending advisors to fight " said Dove." I wonder who will fight "" Lord Grackle will not fight " said Grackle." He is the most senior advisor " said Allie." So, all the others will fight ? " asked Colouruke." Yes " said Warbler." That is the plan "" That will make things more simple for Bird's Isle " said Grackle." I feel bad for the people of Coastal Island but we cannot interfere "" Maybe they will send in some good fighters " said Dove." Yeah, they will have some people who can fight most likely " said Grackle.They then headed to their respective places, Bear members were talking in jail." Well, we could start something " said Easeion." Yeah, that would be great " said Xax." We could totally mess with people here " said Easeion." Yeah, that would be great " said Xax." I hope the other members can do the same " said Easeion.Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby were talking." Glad to be with all of you " said Crayon." Yeah, that is good " said Colouruke." We got a lot of bread " said Artby." Good " said Crayon." Tomorrow morning we will see the others leave to Bird's Isle "" Yeah, everyone will have to say goodbye " said Colouruke.Time continued passing and everyone ate supper.It got a lot later, Crayon and Colourea were talking." I love you a lot " said Colourea." Same here, Colourea " said Crayon." I enjoy our time together so much " said Colourea." Yeah, it is so awesome " said Crayon.Crayon and Colourea kissed and headed to the bed together, meanwhile Artby and Colouruke were talking." Crayon is happy sexually with Colourea " said Artby." So happy "" Bakers are so happy about it "" I'm not sure they know " said Colouruke." Bakers can sense things, they are so wise " said Artby." I love bakers "" They can sense sex between Crayon and Colourea ? " asked Colouruke." I really am not sure about that "" Ask a baker " said Artby." We can both talk to bakers about it the next time we go to the bakery "" I'm not sure bakers will want that type of conversation " said Colouruke." Not to mention they will find it weird "" Anyways, we should get to bed "" Yeah, that sounds like a plan " said Artby.They both went to bed, which everyone did.Chapter 20The Trip Back to Bird's Isle and Saying GoodbyeCrayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby woke up and they got ready. They were talking." So, this is it " said Crayon." Yeah, it really is " said Colouruke." It was cool seeing Grackle and Dove for sure " said Colourea." King Bobby's plans for the war will lead to issues most likely " said Crayon." Time will tell what will happen with that war " said Colourea." Bakers will talk about it " said Artby." Bakers have thoughts about it "" Even if they do, what can they do about it ? " asked Crayon." Coastal Island must have bakers " said Artby." They also must not like this war "" Bakers will speak up "" They cannot do anything whether we like it or not " said Colouruke." I don't think Coastal Island poses a threat but the king wants this "" Yeah, that is what Challenger is saying " said Colourea." Well, we should eat " said Colouruke.They ate their breakfast and they later headed outside and they met up with Warbler and Allie." Good morning " said Warbler." Good morning you two " said Crayon." Should we meet Challenger first ? " asked Colouruke." Yeah, he isn't far from the airport at all " said Allie.The six of them met with Challenger." So today is it " said Challenger." It seems like it " said Warbler." That war will be something " said Challenger." Taking food from the island will start something "" Yes, but the king wants to expand everything " said Allie." He says he will make Bird's Isle better this way "" It would likely do that but other countries may intervene " said Challenger." The king would not expect that " said Crayon." Well, we should head to the airport now " said Challenger.The seven of them headed to the airport where everyone just arrived." Well, we should have one big discussion before we head off " said Colour King." King Bobby is planning a war that will do a lot "" Yes, the war will do just that " said King Bobby." So much will be expanded "" Travel will increase so much "" Yes, that is true " said Lord Grackle." Our hotels will do so good from all of this " said Curtis." We are expanding our food here "" Taking food from Coastal Island could anger other countries " said Challenger." Invading a threat is understandable but taking their food ? "" I am not sure what this will lead to "" I will tell you " said Curtis." It will lead to better eating in Bird's Isle, everyone in Bird's Isle can deal with others if needed "" The king, queen and Lord Grackle will deal with it " said Rourke." That is for sure " said Draco." Not to mention it will help our restaurants and cafes " said Curtis." You must understand "" These other countries will be destroyed if they dare do that " said Colour King." My power will crush them "" They will ruin what is best for us which I will not allow "" Challenger is the leader of Colourland but Colourlandish people could fight if they wanted to do so " said Colour Queen." Hopefully we do not piss off to many countries " said Challenger." These countries are not as strong individually " said Colour Dictator." If Numeria gets involved this will not be good " said Challenger." Vasco is said to be one of the strongest in the universe "" If Numeria wants these wars to stop, we cannot continue them "" Regardless of King Bobby wanting to expand Bird's Isle or not "" Numeria will not attack us " said King Bobby." Numerians will not resort to that "" They won't ? asked Crayon." We do not pose enough of a significant threat now " said Colour King." When islanders are invaded, then it could become an issue potentially " said Challenger." That being said, I cannot interfere in this war "" That is good " said Lord Grackle." Resources are so important "" More resources, more tourism and more money for Bird's Isle " said King Bobby." Bird's Isle will be expanded "" I wonder what will happen to the islanders that we defeat " said Blackburnian." We will deal with that when it is time " said King Bobby" They will come with us or be left with either very little or nothing " said King Bobby." Yeah, that is true " said Queen Starling." These wars must happen " said Diana." No matter what "" They will do so much " said Draco." There is no stopping that "" Yeah, there really is not " said Rourke." Grackle and Dove " said Warbler." We will miss you a lot "" Thanks " said Grackle." It was nice to see all of you " said Dove." It sure was " said Allie." Yeah, it was great to see that fight between Challenger and Crayon " said Dove." It sure was " said Grackle." I wonder if more fights like that will happen " said Dove." Hard to say " said Warbler." It will make us stronger " said Dove." Yes, that is true " said Grackle.Colour King and King Bobby were talking." We will miss you here " said Colour King." Yes, I will make another visit with my advisors " said King Bobby." We have a war that must be started, so it will not be for a while "" Yeah, that makes sense " said Colour King." We will send people to assist the war but only 100 "" We will bring the 100 strongest willing to fight "" We could use them " said King Bobby." All warriors are pretty much going to this war "" While my abilities are very strong, Bird's Isle must be led by me so I cannot go and the queen can also not go either "" If Ariel was to fight then I will fight against her "" Yes, that would make sense " said Colour King." Colourland supports this war "" We will bring some resources to Colourland but Bird's Isle will have more of them " said King Bobby." That works for me, any more wars after this one ? " asked Colour King." We will make a decision about that when it comes the time " said King Bobby." Challenger keeps mentioning how Vasco will not like it "" He may invade other places or fight us " said Colour King." Challenger is afraid of him which is unfortunate "" Yes, that is his choice but war must happen " said King Bobby." My officials will continue their training in case anything happens " said Colour King." Yeah, they need to be stronger like my advisors " said King Bobby." Their power will grow with time and we will be unstoppable "Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby, Warbler, Allie, Grackle and Dove were all talking." Well, it looks like it is almost time to check security " said Allie." Yeah, that means that it is time to say our goodbyes " said Crayon." Bakers here will miss you both a lot " said Artby." Your mouths are always remembered "" Our mouths ? " asked Grackle and Dove." By all of us and bakers " said Artby." Grackle's mouth has been loved by bread "" What the fuck " said Colouruke." Bakers have shown affection for his mouth " said Artby." Lots of affection, they think about stuffing it with bread "" Dude " said Crayon." Crayon ? " asked Artby." This is just something else " said Dove." What you are saying about his mouth and bread is just something "" The flavour explodes and something is awakened within Grackle " said Artby." What is awakened within him ? " asked Colourea." His love of baking " said Artby." His mouth is the path that the bakers stuff bread into which follows into his stomach "" Artby " said Colouruke." Yes Colouruke " said Artby." Artby, I am so confused right now " said Colouruke." Colouruke, bread will get rid of that confusion " said Artby." Flour helps with that "" Flour ? " asked Grackle." Yes, flour can eliminate confusion like the confusion that Colouruke has right now " said Artby." I have a lot to say in the bakery "" What do you have to say ? " asked Crayon." You will hear it there " said Artby." In front of bakers, it is a better speech "" Bakers love these speeches, it helps them bake "Everyone said goodbye as it was time for them to go through the security.They all were good to go and they then were near the plane." So we will now return to Bird's Isle " said King Bobby." It will be great "Time continued to pass and the plane with King Bobby, Queen Starling, his advisors, Grackle and Dove took off.The remaining group was talking." So, they are now gone " said Colour King." They will be gone for a long time now "" Depending on how long the war takes, I don't think we will be seeing them soon "" Yeah, I can see that taking a while to be honest " said Challenger." Coastal Island is not a strong fighting nation, or at least it isn't compared to Bird's Isle " said Colour Dictator." We have to be ready for anything here " said Colourclever." Other nations may strike but we will take them down " said Colour Administrator." Yes, we must prevent Coastal Island from being protected " said Electro." My decision was to not interfere in this war but people can join if they want " said Challenger." Bird's Isle is a nation of very strong people, they will not need our assistance "" Coastal Island is not a threat to Colourland "" If other nations do get involved, that will not be good "" We will fight them " said Colour King." These nations cannot interfere ever in what Bird's Isle are doing "" Anyways, we will keep in touch soon so see you all later "They said their goodbyes and they headed their seperate ways." These wars could get out of hand " said Challenger." Yeah, I could see that " said Crayon." We must be prepared for anything " said Colouruke." Bakers want that " said Artby." We should go there "Final ChapterThe Future for ColourlandCrayon, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby, Challenger, Warbler and Allie arrived at the bakery where Artby started talking." This is great to be here " said Artby." Your baking has helped Crayon "" Helped him ? " asked a baker." Yes, the two of them are feeling great together " said Artby." When I go to sleep, I can sense something "" What can you sense ? " asked a baker." The happiness between the two of them, the sounds I hear and the mouth being strengthened by baking " said Artby." Strengthened by baking ? " asked Challenger." Yes, it appears that is what Artby is saying " said Allie." Sounds ? " asked Colouruke." I remember you telling me this "" Not sure what this is all about, but we should get our bread and leave the bakery " said Challenger." Yeah, we can do that " said Allie." Challenger, I am talking about Crayon to bakers " said Artby." Bakers feel confused by this, they do not know what you are referring to here " said Challenger." Sounds from the bedroom " said Artby." Baking has done this "" Baking ? " asked Warbler." Yes " said Artby.They got their bread, Artby thanked the bakers and then left.They were all talking." This bread looks great " said Allie." It sure does " said Warbler." We should head back to our places now " said Colouruke." Sounds like a good idea " said Warbler." Bakers want us eating this delicious bread " said Artby." Well, I have to go now so see you all later " said Challenger." Bye " they all said.The six of them then headed to their seperate places, Warbler and Allie were talking." Allie, I am so happy to be here with you " said Warbler." Same here " said Allie." I will miss Grackle and Dove " said Warbler." We will keep in touch with them " said Allie." Yeah, that works for me " said Warbler.Warbler and Allie started kissing each other, time continued passing.Meanwhile the plane arrived at Bird's Isle." Glad to be back here " said Paula." Same here, there is so much to do " said Salvador." This war will go great for us " said Curtis." Our resources will be great " said Lord Grackle." We do not need Challenger's warnings " said Blackburnian." My ability is too much for Coastal Island "" Challenger believes that Vasco will get involved " said King Bobby." Bird's Isle does not need his paranoia "" That is what I liked about Colour King, there was none of that with him ever "" Grackle and Dove are here " said Queen Starling." They have promised to stay out of the way " said King Bobby." Good " said Blackburnian." Warbler will keep training I am hearing "" I imagine he would " said Curtis." We must head to the castle right away " said King Bobby.King Bobby called limousines for them to all use to head to the castle, where they arrived.Meanwhile Easeion and Xax were talking in the jail." My father will get out of here " said Easeion." Smithsons should never be locked up like this ever "" Our family must be free "" Yes, they must escape from here " said Xax." During a breakfast, I talked with other Bear members " said Easeion." Good " said Xax." They want the Smithsons free as well, as a brother this cannot continue anymore " said Easeion." Bill and Tara are getting tired of this "" All of us must be free from prison and out of here "" Crayon and his friends won't be with Colour King and they cannot stop us " said Xax." Hahaha "" I cannot wait to make Crayon the saddest motherfucker ever " said Easeion." This time will not be the same, no way "" As a Smithson it must be this way for the sake of the family "Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby were talking at their place." I just love bakers you know " asked Artby." I am always amazed by them "" The way they bake and how they loveour purchases "" Well, we go there so much now " said Colouruke." That is true " said Crayon." Our mouths are loved by bakers " said Artby." Well, they know we love eating the bread " said Colourea." Bakers have feelings for my mouth " said Artby." Their baking is how they show that for me "" My mouth is so loved by bakers "" Bakers think about my mouth so much, they think about it every night when they sleep "" They dream about bread going inside my mouth all the time "" They do ? " asked Colourea." Bakers have serious dreams about me as a customer " said Artby." Bakers are very wise people "" Their wisdom never goes away "" I will protect bakers more now "" Protect them from what ? " asked Crayon." People who want to harm bakers, when a baker is harmed the baking is not as good " said Artby." Tasty baking must happen throughout Colourland "" Baking will stay tasty, I cannot let that end "" Stay tasty ? " asked Colourea." Yes, my fighting will help " said Artby." My punches are for bakers, my kicks are for bakers and so are my techniques "" Bakers will stay safer "" Uh, okay " said Colouruke." My mouth needs bakers just like bakers need my mouth " said Artby." They need each other "" This is how my mouth has transformed thanks to baking "" Uh, what " said Colouruke." Bakers use baking to have this connection with my mouth " said Artby." My mouth is always connected to bakers "" Always "" A connection with your mouth is something bakers have ? " asked Crayon." Yes, they do " said Artby." Bakers are so wise, the wisdom is everywhere "" We must protect baking from everything that could harm it "" What are these things that could do that ? " asked Colourea." Well, people who want to hurt bakers " said Artby." This is why we must keep training, you never know what will happen next here "Meanwhile more time passed, Crayon was talking with Colourea." Colourea, I love you so much " said Crayon." I have been feeling more and more this way " said Colourea." I am glad to see this " said Crayon." Same here " said Colourea.The two of them were kissing each other.More days kept passing, everyone kept training. Crayon took Colourea out on a date that was not interfered with which they were both very happy to do.King Bobby and his advisors were preparing for the war and the 100 Colourlandish who wanted to join Bird's Isle were chosen. King Bobby found an attack even stronger than the Bird Implosion called the Hawk Implosion which he learned. He also learned special hawk techniques with insane power.Challenger continued to lead Colourland. Colourland was more peaceful now, Bird's Isle was getting ready for war.Artby continued talking about bakers and his mouth in different ways in bakeries.Easeion continued getting angrier about being in jail. The Smithsons were very close to planning an a escape plan.Other Bear members were also planning one as well.This is the end of all of Colourland and this section, the next series is called Colourland X. Colourland X is a continuation of Colourland. The first series of Colourland X is called: Colourland X: The Wars
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