Read Count : 143
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
It pains me to see all this female rivalryCompetitors in a race to snare a man,According to the family planCreated by a suited man, pastAnd down generations fed and bredInto ever losing minds as space becomes narrower.Expand!Explore!MAKE A FUCKING IMPACT!Keep yourself in tactDon’t retractAccept the factsReactBelieve in where you’re at.DreamDetachPut out but put it back.Sister, relax.Why is it that we lose ourselves?Why we get all tangled up?As the web weavesBreathe.Feel.Are you not screaming on the inside to be?Then allow yourself your destiny.I wonder, ‘Will there be enough to take mine?’For I aim highRegardless that she sighs. But,No need to pass judgement on sheOr meWe need to let her be.Assert!Be alert!Hell, wear a skirt or a floral pink shirt,Wear your hair short,LongYou chose the shorts or the sarongDon’t wear a bra,If that is who you are and where you belong.A reflection reminds that you’re thereStay thereFor it is where to look hardLook deepDon’t just peep!See it.Feel it.Hear it.Touch it.Breathe it.Be it.LIVE IT.Sister’s, it pains me to see all this female rivalryWhen there really is no need to beIf we are to beJust we.(1998)